Donate Seeds,
Time, etc.

Outside of the US

NOTE: Refresh your browser before finalizing your selections!!
Our list changes often & you may not get what you ask for if you request from an outdated list.


Distributing FREE Heirloom Seeds to the public.
"Encouraging Sustainability, Self Reliance & Species Preservation"

Your donations & support make this possible!


Here is a quick summary of our request instructions,
but please do not request until you have read our rules & full request guidelines,
which can be found HERE, below our Free Seed List
This page best viewed on a full sized screen.
Be sure to list subs as we are short stocked on certain seeds right now!!

It's Easy! With or without donation -

With Donation - Simply email us your donor info, shipping address & the item codes of the seeds you would like, in the format described below.

CLICK HERE if you are requesting seeds to be sent outside of the US.

Subject line of the email should say "seed request"
First line of email is the name & email used when you made your donation & the amount of the donation
Next 3 lines, type name & address of recipient just as you would write it on an envelope.

Next lines are seed codes, listed alphabetically, 10 per line.
Type ten codes & then press "enter" or "return" one time to start a new line, type 10 more codes, press enter, etc..
Type codes only, (no # or ,) single space between, like a sentence & press enter 1 time after every 10 items
No matter how it looks on your screen, type 10 codes & press"enter" then type the next 10 codes.
No extra text! CODES ONLY! no plant names, variety names, punctuation, just the 10 codes per line with a single space between each code

List subs after your primary list, just in case we run out of something.

A photo example of what your request should look like & full instructions are located below the seed list.

Our current suggested minimum donation is $10 for every 15 packs of seeds shipped within the US.
$20/30 packs, $30/45 packs, $40/60 packs, etc..

Parcels of 15@$10 is break even or a loss for the organization
parcels of 30 packs or more that meet our suggested donation, provide us some actual support to sustain & expand the project because we save on shipping & time

Please do not send multiple requests with $10 donations, combine your requests, 30 packs for $20, 45/$30, etc..
Please help us keep this service alive!
We can send you as many seeds as you would like, as many times as you would like as long as our suggested donation is met.
Keep in mind, we may not have the resources to fill requests that do not meet our suggested donation
If you need to update or correct your request, do so by replying to the original request in your "sent" folder, otherwise the first request will not be updated.
You can also request with donation by mail or in person (instructions below the seed list)

Without Donation - If you cannot afford to meet our suggested donation, simply email us your shipping address & the item codes of the seeds you would like from our list, in the format described below.

Be sure to put "no donation" in the email subject line

Include your shipping address & list your item codes alphabetically.

We absolutely do not fill requests without donation unless they say "no donation" in the email subject line.
We absolutely do not fill requests without donation unless they say "no donation" in the email subject line.
We absolutely do not fill requests without donation unless they say "no donation" in the email subject line.

If you are requesting seeds for a project , institution, event, etc.. You must also submit a request that says "no donation" in the subject line & request must be complete with a shipping address to be considered.
List 4 primary choices followed by 8 or more substitutes.
Your request will be more likely to get filled if you choose seeds that are not on our oversized list
Please keep in mind we have very little resources to provide postage for these seeds & donate if you can.
If your request without a donation is incomplete it will be discarded!
Email subject line - "No Donation", Seed selections from our list & a shipping address or you will not get seeds!!!
We may not fill your request if you make more than one request without donation per year.
Your request without a donation will be delayed or deleted if you email us to ask for confirmation, we have very little time to donate each requestor & if we are required to email you or check your request more than once you will have used the time we budgeted for your request.
Please read our rules below the seed list so you get seeds & we can keep doing this.

Free Seed List!!!! As of 12/13/2024

Subject to change anytime so list backups & never request from a saved list!
Please remember we do not fill request for multiples of the same item so more people can have a chance to grow rare seeds.

#AG1-Asian Greens - Hon Tsai Tai, (37 Days) Sometimes called "Purple-flowered Choy Sum", in fertile soil sends up dozens of shoots that are great in stir-fries, appx. 1/16tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#AG2-Asian Greens- Black Knight Tatsoi, (50 Days) Leaves are slightly more elongated than classic tatsoi, dark green leaves with a mild flavor, appx. 1/8th tsp per request, about 100 seeds per request

#AG3-Asian Greens- Tatsoi, (45 Days) Organic Seed, Rosettes of sweet round leaves, great for fresh eating or cooking

#AG4-Asian Greens- Red Tatsoi, (45 Days) Scarlet Rosettes of sweet round leaves, holds color when cooked but great fresh as well. Appx. 1/16 tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#AG5-Asian Greens- Mitsuba (Japanese parsley), (50-60 Days) Native Japanese "wild parsley" is a woodland herb that enjoys a fair amount of shade. Used in traditional Japanese foods, appx. 20-40 seeds per request

#AG6-Asian Greens- Komatsuna (45 Days) Standard variety of komatsuna, often referred to as "mustard spinach", this tender green is commonly used in both salads & stir fry, small sample. Appx. 1/32+ tsp (40 seeds) per request

#ALF1-Alfalfa- Allstar, Organic, an improved variety that produces high yields & stands long. A great forage crop. Pre-innoculated with a certified organic innoculant to help in nitrogen production. Appx. 1/4tsp (200+ seeds) per request

Amaranth - Amaranth has very small pollen & pure seed can only be saved by isolating from other Amaranth varieites by a distance of 1 mile or more. The easiest way to save amaranth seeds is to grow a single variety.

#AM1-Amaranth - Hopi Red Dye, (46 Days) Organic Seed, eat young leaves in salad, Hopi Indians used this to make a food dye for ceremonial Piki bread, small sample, appx. 1/64tsp (60+ seeds) per request

#AM2-Amaranth - Red Callaloo, (120 Days) You can't make Callaloo stew without it! Edible greens are comparable to spinach in flavor, small sample, appx. 1/64tsp (60+ seeds) per request

#AM3-Amaranth - Love-Lies-Bleeding, (90 Days) Also known as tassel flower. Beloved by cottage gardeners for centuries. Produces beautiful long red tassels that hold until frost. appx. 1/64tsp (60+ seeds) per request

#AM4-Amaranth - Coral Fountain, (75 Days) Similar habit to "love lies bleeding", long draping tasseles are pink to light pink, this "tassel flower" adds great flair to cut flower arrangements, appx. 1/64tsp (60+ seeds) per request

#AM5-Amaranth - Hot Biscuits, (65-75 Days) Organic Seed, This easy to grow amaranth produces an abundance of broze colored plumes that add great body & a nice fall color to any bouquet. LIMITED! small sample, 1/64tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#AM6-Amaranth - Red Spike, (65-75 Days) A very dark red selection of classic amaranth grain provides multiple uses as you ng leaves & grain can be eaten, but the feathery seed heads also add great body to fall floral arrangements. LIMITED! small sample, 1/64tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#ANH-Anise Hyssop - Anise Hyssop, Self sowing perennial used by Native Americans as a cough medicine. Long blooming nectar filled flowers attract pollinators. Anise flavored leaves & flowers make great tea. Appx. 1/64tsp or about 50-100 tiny seeds per request

#AN1-Anise- Common Anise, (120 Days for seed) Nice white flowers before it goes to seed. Anise has been used as a remedy for upset stomach, cough & even breath freshener, appx. 1/16tsp or about 50 seeds per request

Arugala - Arugala requires up to or more than a 1/2 mile of isolation from other Arugala varieties to avoid cross pollination. The easiest way to save arugala seeds is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate by timing.

#AR1-Arugala - Slow Bolt Arugula, (45 days) This classic strain of arugula grows fast & has bit of heat tolerance, making it great for cutting into the Summer. Appx. 1/8tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#AR2-Arugala - Sylvetta Arugula, (50 days) a wild arugula, very cold hardy. Stronger flavor than standard arugula. Appx. 1/32tsp (200+ seeds) per request

#AR4-Arugula - Esmee Arugula, (21-40 days) Esmee is another modern open pollinated arugula that grows fast & has a nice appearance. Rounded, lobed oak leaf shape gives it loft on the plate. Another choice selection for arugula lovers, LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#AR5-Arugula - Ice-Bred Arugula, (44 days) Organic Seed, Ice-Bred is as cold hardy as it's name implies. Bred from 2 European heirloom strains, Ice-Bred is considered one of the finest Arugula, with a full complex flavor, slow to bolt & drought resistant, LIMITED AVAILABILITY! Small sample of appx. 1/64tsp or about 20-30 seeds per request

#AR6-Arugula - Astro Arugula, (35 days) Organic Seed, Astro produces dense clusters of a very mild arugula that is popular among those that aren't so in love with the stronger arugula. This gives it a universal appeal at the table & market. Appx. 1/8tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#ASP1-Asparagus - Mary Washington Asparagus, Long lived perennial, a single well cared for planting of this classic asparagus variety can last a lifetime. Zones 3-9, appx. 20 seeds per request

#ASP2-Asparagus - UC 72 Asparagus, Long lived perennial, a single well cared for planting of asparagus can last a lifetime. UC 72 spears are generally a little larger than Mary Washington Zones 2-7, appx. 20 seeds per request

#AS1-Asters - Crego Mix China Aster, 4 inch "ostrich feather" blooms in violet, lavender, pink, rose & fuchsia. Praise for this beautiful flower dates back to the early 1900's - appx. 1/16tsp or about 50-80 seeds per request

#AS2-Asters - Powderpuff Mix Aster, Beautiful & vibrant, 3-5" blossoms with a great color range, a variety of pinks & purples, with yellow centers, these asters are sure to please, appx. 1/32tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#AS3-Asters - Princess Mix Aster, (110 days) Pink to magenta, light to dark purple, yellows in whites, nice crisp colorful pompons, hard to beat for simply beauty. We only have a few of these seeds, expect about 20 per request until we run out

#AST-Astragalus - Organic Seed (perennial to zone 4) Wonderful apoptogenic herb is used as a daily tonic to support the immune system & aid digestion. Very Limited! appx. 20 seeds per request

Basil - Basil are easily cross pollinated by small insects. The best way to grow & save pure seed from basil is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at very least 200ft.

#BA1-Basil - Mammoth Basil, (75 days) Large leafed basil has a classic Italian flavor that is sweeter than Genovese. Appx. 1/32tsp (40+ seeds) per request

#BA2-Basil - Aromatto Basil, (75-80 days) Organic Seed, purple at maturity with some green underleaves, sports cute purple flowers that make a tasty & attractive garnish. Kind of a cinnamon basil fragrance on this sweet & rustic basil. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA3-Basil - Anise Basil, Originally from Persia, this versatile basil works for Italian dishes as well as Thai basil type dishes, slow to bolt, bright green, purple tinted plant is vigorous & bushy, Appx. 1/32tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#BA5-Basil - Winner Pesto Basil, (74 days) Gorgeous compact & uniform genovese type basil does well in containers. Large leafed & showy with a good "nose" making it great for producing large amounts of pesto. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA6-Basil - Superbo Basil, (74 days) An improved classic genovese type basil bred in Italy for taste & plant habit. A step up from our standard genovese. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA7-Basil - Thai Basil, Authentic Thai basil taste. Appx. 1/16tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#BA8-Basil - Kapoor Tulsi Basil, (60 Days) Holy Basil used for tea, culinary & medicinal purposes, appx. 1/32tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#BA9-Basil - Mrs. Burns Lemon Basil, (60 Days) The beloved lemony sweet heirloom basil, Appx. 1/32tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#BA10-Basil - Dark Opal Basil, (60 Days) AAS winning purple basil has about 10% variegated green foliage, nice purple basil taste that also makes an attractive cut flower, Limited! Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA11-Basil - Red Rubin Basil, (68 days) A must have for lovers of purple basil, fragrant, beautiful & full flavored, all purple plant, appx. 1/16tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#BA12-Basil - Nufar, (74 days) Large leafed Italian type basil that has superior fusarium resistance than a lot of the old fashioned varieties, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 20-40 seeds per request

#BA13-Basil - Corsican Basil, (80 Days) A Mediterranean heirloom with mottled pruple & green leaves. An interesting basil that offers some sweetness & good basil flavor. Small sample

#BA14-Basil - Cinnamon Basil, (65 Days) Sweet cinnamon scent from a striking green plant with violet stems & lavender blossoms, appx. 1/8tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#BA15-Basil - Spicy Globe Basil, (60 Days) An asian basil that is characterized as both sweet & spicy, grows in a dwarf habit making it a good choice for containers. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA16-Basil - Large Leaf Italian Basil, (60-90 Days) Sweet Italian genovese type basil in a large package. Great culinary basil with classic taste, Appx. 1/16tsp or about 100 seed per request

#BA17-Basil - Sweet Thai Basil, (64 days) Authentic Thai Basil taste. Called "Horapha" in its mother country, "Hun Que" in Vietnam. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA18-Basil - Lime Basil, (60 Days) Bright & flavorful! Lime Basil adds great zest to so many dishes. Appx. 1/32tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#BA19-Basil - Tulsi, Red Leaf (Holy Basil), (65-75 days) A common red leaf tulsi variety, is known for it's flavoring of some Thai dishes & may be similar to some Thai basils, appx. 1/64+tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#BA20-Basil - Holy Basil (75-80 days) Hindu variety, used as an immune booster & digestion aid. Also used in Thai Cooking, green leaf with red stems. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA21-Basil - Amethyst Improved Basil, (85 Days) The only purple genovese type basil. Nearly black leaves with bright purple flowers make an attractive edible garnish. VERY LIMITED!! 8-10 seeds per request, choose another purple basil if you want more seed. SAVE ME IF YOU WANT TO GROW ME AGAIN!!

#BA22-Basil - Flowering Thai Basil, (60 Days) Organic Seed, This ornamental Thai basil produces an abundance of edible leaves similar to sweet basil accompanied with striking purple flowers, appx. 30 seeds per request

#BA23-Basil - Licorice Basil, (65 days) This sweet basil is a staple in Iranian cuisine. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA24-Basil - Tuscany Basil, (75 days) A refined lettuce leaf basil, sports nicely ruffled large leaves with mildly spicy basil flavor. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#BA25-Basil - Dwarf Greek Basil, (60 Days) A very compact spicy sweet basil, said to be in cultivation for thousands of years, limited availability! Small sample only, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40-60 seeds per request

#BA26-Basil - Purple Ruffles, (60 Days) Deep purple jagged leaves with a superb sweet taste, AAS winner, we are very happy to have this but it is very limited, request another variety for more seed, appx 25 seeds per request

Bachelor Buttons - Bachelor Buttons are easily cross pollinated by a variety of insects & should be isolated from other varieties by at least a 1/4 mile to ensure pure seed

#BB1-Bachelors Buttons - Blue Boy, (90 Days) The classic blue cornflower, old time charm & a great garnish for any dish that needs a splash of color. Appx. 1/4tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#BB2-Bachelors Buttons - Standard Mix, (90 Days) Edible Blue, pink, red white & sometimes maroon flowers, with blue predominating. Also known as "cornflower". Appx. 1/4tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#BB3-Bachelors Buttons - Red Boy, (90 Days) Also dating to at least 1942, Red Boy is very bright red almost a fuchsia, grows to about 3ft tall, allowing it to fit where some other Centaurea might not. Appx. 1/4tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#BB4-Bachelors Buttons - Garnet Boy, (90 Days) This hard to find Centaurea sports edible magenta blossoms, a deep purple/red sometimes called black gem. Dated as far back as 1942 when it was featured in Buist's catalog. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 20 seeds per request

#BB5-Bachelors Buttons - Classic Magic, (65-75 Days) A classy mix of dark purples almost to black & a few plum, contrasted by very light purple/dark purple bicolor blooms. Centaurea aka Bachelor's Button have edible petals which makes for a showy salad garnish. Appx. 1/16tsp (40 seeds) per request

#BB6-Bachelors Buttons - Tall Red, (75 Days) Classic rosy red flowers, grows to about 3ft tall, a great edible flower that adds a splash of color to any arrangement, appx. 40 seeds per request

#BB7-Bachelors Buttons - Classic Romantic, (70 Days) A very attractive Centaurea, double & semi double, partially "frosted" blossoms in bicolor & single colors of pink, white & fuschia. Sophisticated & charming. LIMITED! appx. 30 seeds per request

#BB8-Bachelors Buttons - Tall White, (75 Days) Pure white cornflower, Appx. 1/4tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#BB9-Bachelors Buttons - Tall Pink, (75 Days) Lovely, light pink cornflower, Appx. 1/4tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#BB10-Bachelors Buttons - Dwarf Mix, (65 Days) Classic color mix in a more manageable sized plant, white, shades of pink, purple & of course the classic cornflower blue, Appx. 1/4tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#BERG-Bergamot - Wild Bergamot, (perennial) Lavender blooms with a spicy scent start the second year. Used traditionally by Native Americans to ease colds & bronchial issues. Appx. 1/64tsp (100 seeds) per request

Broccoli - Broccoli & all Brassica oleracea are easily cross pollinated by a variety of insects. The best way to grow & save pure seed from broccoli is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at least 1/4 mile.

#BR1-Broccoli - De Cicco, (50-70 days) Organic seed, Italian Heirloom with great side shoot production, appx. 1/8+tsp (50-100 seeds) per request.

#BR2-Broccoli - Waltham 29 Broccoli, developed in 1951, the standard open pollinated broccoli for a good fall head, no side shoot production. Appx. 1/8+tsp (60-80 seeds) per request

#BR3-Broccoli - Romanesco, (75 days) Beloved Italian heirloom, nicknamed "psychedelic broccoli" for it's fractal, geometric design, pale green broccoli is more like a cross between broccoli & cauliflower, appx. 1/16+ tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#BR4-Broccoli - Kailaan Chinese Broccoli, (60-70 days) Not your typical broccoli, barely a broccoli at all! Grown for it's tender stalks & leaves this broccoli variety sports a tiny broccoli flower at maturity, after the first cutting it will branch to produce smaller stems & leaves with great eating quality, about 20-30 seeds per request

#BR5-Broccoli - Umpqua Broccoli, (95 days) Organic Seed, Produces uniform, solid heads of 5-6" followed by good side shoot production that promises an extended harvest window. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 10-20 seeds per request (NOTE: it's been a while since we have been able to offer this seed, please consider saving seed from this as it has become notably harder to get.)

#BR6-Broccoli - Ramoso Santana, (50-70 days) A slow bolting sprouting broccoli has good extended side shoot production. A lesser known Mediterranean favorite boasts great flavor.

#BR7-Broccoli - Early Purple Sprouting, (120-200 days) English type broccoli does best in mild climates where it can be overwintered ,producing an abundance of gorgeous purple side shoots the following Spring, appx. 1/16+ tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#BR8-Broccoli - Piracicaba Non-heading, (56 days) Organic Seed, Not quite a raab, but this broccoli will produce a huge abundance of raab-like side shoots, LIMITED!! about 20 seeds per request

#BRR1-Broccoli Raab- Spring Rapini, (36 days) The classic broccoli raab, known as broccoli Asparago in Italy, appx. 50-70 seeds per request

#BRR2-Broccoli Raab- Quarantina, (40 days) A well maintained selection of broccoli raab, appx. 1/32tsp or about 30-40 seeds per request

#BRS2-Brussel Sprouts - Long Island Improved, (95 days) A classic green brussel sprout that keeps home gardeners coming back for more. Appx. 1/8tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#BRS3-Brussel Sprouts - Catskill, (95 days) 1.5 - 2 inch brussel sprout, with great flavor, introduced in 1941, Appx. 1/8tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#BUR1-Burdock - Takinogawa, (120 Days) Used in japanese coooking, stir fires, ferments as well as a blood cleanser & natural remedy. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

Cabbage - Cabbage & all Brassica oleracea are easily cross pollinated by a variety of insects. The best way to grow & save pure seed from cabbage is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at least 1/4 mile.

#CAB1-Cabbage - Des Vertus Savoy Cabbage, (95 Days) French Heirloom from the 1800's features juicy, semi-sweet 4-6lb heads with moderate storage potential, VERY LIMITED!! about 20 seeds per request, any other cabbage variety will have more seed.

#CAB2-Cabbage - Golden Acre Green Cabbage, Heirloom selection of the Copenhagen market type cabbage, classic look, 3-5 lbs.

#CAB3-Cabbage - Charleston Wakefield, (70-85 days) Bigger than other Wakefield cabbage varieties, producing heads around 4-6lbs. Selected from Jersey Wakefield & sold to the F. W. Bolgiano Seed Co. in 1880

#CAB4-Cabbage - Mammoth Red Rock Cabbage, (90 days) the classic red cabbage for bright color & good eating

#CAB6-Cabbage - Red Acre, (75 days) 3-5lb heads are a distinctive color & have good storage capabilities for an early cabbage. Compact plants are great for those tight in space but still wanting to grow cabbage, Appx. 1/16+tsp (40-60 seeds) per request

#CAB7-Cabbage - Copenhagen Market, (70 days) Brought to America in 1909, this classic green cabbage is Winter hardy & grows a nice medium sized head in short time, Appx. 1/16+tsp (40-60 seeds) per request

#CAB9-Cabbage - Glory Of Enkhuizen, (95 days) An old timey green cabbage, deep green outer leaves & excellent eating quality. Appx. 1/16+ tsp (60-80 seeds) per request

#CAB10-Cabbage - Danish Ballhead, (100 days) Heirloom dated to 1887, a sweet & mild green cabbage with good cold resistance, great for a Fall crop. Appx. 1/16+tsp (60 seeds) per request

#CAB11-Cabbage - Drumhead, (100-110 days) Heirloom green cabbage that produces healthy heads often reaching more than 10 lbs. each

#CAB12-Cabbage - Early Round Dutch, (75 days) Slow to bolt heirloom green cabbage that produces 2-5 lb heads. Appx. 1/16+tsp (60 seeds) per request

#CAB13-Cabbage - Brunswick, (70 days) Large size drumhead type cabbage was introduced in 1924. Great german kraut cabbage with excellent long term storage ability

#CAB14-Cabbage - Green Express, (50 days) Compact & uniform, this bright green cabbage can be grown in containers. A nice choice for those short on space. LIMITED! Appx. 1/16tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#CAB15-Cabbage - Purple Savoy, (61 days) A cold loving early savoy that has unique purple edges. Sweet & attractive, prefers cool weather. Plant early spring or late summer. Limited! Appx. 1/16tsp (40 seeds) per request

#CABN1-Cabbage/Napa - Michihili Napa Cabbage, (75-80 days) very hardy Napa Cabbage with excellent eating quality, appx. 1/16 tsp or around 100+ seeds per request

Carrot - Carrots are easily pollinated by insects over a large distance & will readily cross with Queen Anne's Lace, or wild carrot. Isolation of up to a mile or bagging/caging may be required to avoid cross pollination.

#CAR1-Carrot - Danvers 126, (65-70 Days) An improved variety of Danvers can grows about 6-7" & has great sweetness, also tolerates less than perfect soil

#CAR2-Carrot - Danvers, (75 days) Organic, Main Season Carrots, improved modern variety of the 1871 Heirloom, Danvers half long, easy to grow, great for Winter storage, limited availability, appx. 1/32+tsp or about 40-60 seeds per request

#CAR5-Carrot - Purple, (65-70 days) up to 7" long, sweet & crunchy carrot that is purple on the outside & orange on the inside, limited availabilty. Appx. 1/16tsp (100 seeds) per request

#CAR6-Carrot - Scarlet Nantes, (68 Days) 6-7" Main Season Carrots, old time variety with consistent good quality, appx. 1/8tsp or about 80-100 seeds per request

#CAR7-Carrot - Red Cored Chantenay, (70 Days) French Heirloom dated to around 1879. 5-7" roots have great deep orange color & are great for storage. Appx. 1/8+tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#CAR8-Carrot - Yellowstone, (72 Days) Up to 8" long, a yellow carrot that boasts a great crisp flavor & does well in a variety of soils, Limited Availability! appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#CAR9-Carrot - Atlas, (72 Days) Small round Parisian Market type carrot, tasty 1.5 inch carrot "nuggets", Very Limited! appx. 1/32tsp or about 40-60 seeds per request

#CAR10-Carrot - Bambino, (60+/- Days) Organic Seed, Gourmet "fingerling" carrot is best harvested at 4-5 inches for peak flavor, appx. 1/8tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#CAR12-Carrot - Yellow, (72+/- Days) Classic tapered carrot look with a nice golden yellow color, grow to 6" for optimal tenderness & sweetness, limited amounts! Appx. 1/32+tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#CAR15-Carrot - Parisian, (60 Days) Little round golfball sized carrots do not grow long so they still come through in heavy soils, limited availability!! Appx. 1/16tsp (100 seeds) per request

#CAR16-Carrot - Little Finger, (55 Days) Adorable & flavorful mini carrots. Delivers an early harvest of sweet little carrots. Appx. 1/8+tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#CAR17-Carrot - Amsterdam, (70 Days) 4-6" Bright orange, nantes style carrots,AKA - Amsterdam Forcing

#CAR18-Carrot - Dragon, (70 Days) 5-7" purple/red carrot with bright orange core. Distinctive Chantenay cross type carrot with smooth skin is a vigorous grower, giving it a chance against early weeds. Limited availability! appx. 1/32tsp or about 40-50 seeds per request

#CAR19-Carrot - Tonda di Parigi, (55 Days) 19th century heirloom from Paris is a classic squat round parisian type carrot. Small carrot bulbs are easily grown on compact soil. Limited availability! appx. 40 seeds per request

#CAR20-Carrot - Rumba, (72 Days) Organic Seed, A standout main season carrot, 6-7" tapered, nantes type carrot is getting harder to find. Beware! Rumba has a distinctly strong carrot flavor - LIMITED!! appx. 1/32tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#CAR21-Carrot - Imperator 58, (65-80 Days) Bright orange, sweet carrots grow to 9" & are a popular choice for market gardeners. Appx. 1/8+ tsp (120-200 seeds) per request

#CAR22-Carrot - Autumn King (70-85 Days) A very large carrot, up to 2.5" wide & 12 inches long, sweet for it's size & with fairly good cold tolerance, Appx. 1/8+ tsp (120-200 seeds) per request

#CAR23-Carrot - Black Nebula (65 Days) 6-8" long carrot, finds it's origin in Northern Africa. Incredible dark purple carrot is nearly black to the core. Rich in vitamins & minerals, this carrot turns to candy when roasted. limited availability! appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#CAR24-Carrot - Samurai Red (70-90 Days) 12" long, thin & gently tapered, Japanese "kintoki" (sweet red) carrot. A sweet & colorful treat for any salad;)) VERY LIMITED! Appx. 30 seeds per request

#CAR25-Carrot - Royal Chantenay, (65-70 Days) Deep orange, stubby & vigorous carrots are a great standard bearer for the home garden. Appx. 1-8+ tsp (120-200 seeds) per request

#CAR26-Carrot - Thumbelina, (70 Days) Parisian type, golfball size carrots that gained the AAS in 1992. Parisian carrots do will in hard soils. Appx. 1/16tsp (60-100 seeds) per request

#CAR27-Carrot - Cosmic Purple, (70 Days) Similar to "Dragon", a vibrant purple exterior gives way to a bright yellow/orange interior. A tapered 7" carrot that is a real head turner. LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#CAR28-Carrot - Oxheart, (90 Days) Extremely stubby carrot is 3-4" long & up to a staggering 5 inches wide! These carrots grow up to 1 lb each & do well in heavy soils, also great for storage. LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#CAR29-Carrot - Scarlet Keeper, (85 Days) Organic Seed, A great main season carrot, delicious, sweet carrots are 7-9 inches & have good girth with deep orange cores, LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 20 seeds per request

#CARA-Caraway - (biennial) Also known as "Persian Cumin" every part of this plant is edible. Appx. 1/8tsp or 50 seeds per request

#CARD-Cardoon - White Cardoon, (65 days perennial zones 6-9) This is the wild precurser to the modern artichoke, may require 6 hours of direct sunlight to thrive. Grown as an annual in northern climates. appx. 15 seeds per request

#CAT-Catnip - Catnip Herb, Hardy Perennial, that will self sow once established. Aside from pleasing cats this herb has been used to calm stomach, induce sleep & for fever relief/ Appx. 1/64tsp (50 seeds) per request

Cauliflower - Cauliflower & all Brassica oleracea are easily cross pollinated by a variety of insects. The best way to grow & save pure seed from cauliflower is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at least 1/4 mile.

#CAU1-Cauliflower - Amazing, open pollinated cauliflower does great as a Fall crop. Limited availability! 10-15 seeds per request (other varieties will have much more seed)

#CAU3-Cauliflower - Snowball Y Improved, Standard open pollinated cauliflower is "self blanching". Appx. 1/16+tsp (50 seeds) per request

#CAU5-Cauliflower - Self blanche (52 days) an old fashioned, aptly named cauliflower is "self blanching", also known for it's great flavor. Appx. 1/8+tsp (50-80 seeds) per request

#CAU6-Cauliflower - Violetta Italia (80-90 days) At last! We have an open pollinated purple cauliflower. This is a classic example of why serious home seed savers are needed. Many, many seed companies do not offer even 1 single open pollinated cauliflower variety because they are targeting commercial farmers. Let's keep these good things around & grow a seed crop of this purple cauliflower in your community. This little gem produces light purple heads that turn green when fully cooked & as if that was not enough, this cauliflower may even throw you a little side shoot production after harvest! LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp (20-40 seeds) per request

#CE1-Celery - Light Green Chinese Celery, (50-60 Days) This is not a ribbed celery. this produces foliage similar to cilantro, but celery. A cut & come again green celery leaf with tender thin stems. A unique addition to our celery selection

#CE2-Celery - Utah 52-70, (100 Days) Very green celery grows taller than other op celery making it a good choice for gardeners with limited space.

#CE3-Celery - Tendercrisp, (100 Days) A compact celery, great for fresh eating or cooking. Dark green stalks reach about 12 inches in height, appx. 1/32tsp or about 60-100 seeds per request

#CEL1-Celeriac - Giant Prague Celeriac, (120 Days) Cold hardy relative to celery tastes like a mix of parsley & celery, good for Winter storage, appx. 1/32tsp or about 100+ seeds per request

#CH1-Chamomile - German Chamomile, abundant yields of small daisy like flowers often used as a tea for it's mild taste & relaxing properties, appx. 1/64+tsp or about 100+ small seeds per request

#CH2-Chamomile - Roman Chamomile, low growing perennial ground cover. Less blossoms than upright chamomile, but used similarily

#CHC1-Chinese Cabbage - Matsushima No. 2, (80 Days) Napa type cabbage produces compact heads & has the classic form & flavor for a green napa. appx. 1/16tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#CHC2-Chinese Cabbage - Tokyo Bekana, (45 Days to full size) Organic Seed, produces "baby" Chinese cabbages similar to Pac Choy. Can be cut & allowed to regrow for extended harvest, appx. 1/32+ tsp (25-35 seeds) per request

#CHC3-Chinese Cabbage - Kyoto No. 3, (80 Days) Napa type cabbage produces 6-7lb heads with sweet & mild flavor that stores well. Old Japanese variety, appx. 40 seeds per request

#CHC4-Chinese Cabbage - White Stem Pac Choi, (55-70 days) The classic leafy cabbage also called Bok Choy, appx. 1/8th tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#CHC5-Chinese Cabbage - Fun Jen, a "lettucy" type of Chinese Cabbage, mild, delicate flavor, stores well. LIMITED! Appx. 1/16tsp (30-50 seeds) per request

#CHC6-Chinese Cabbage - Taisai Pac Choi, (50 days) A popular variety of "Bok Choy" in Japan. This one grows to 18" tall, which is bigger than many standard varieties. Tender & crisp, a great choice for pak choi, appx. 1/8th tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#CHC7-Chinese Cabbage - Prize Choy, (50 days) Organic Seed, A great pac choi variety for Kimchi, with succulent stems & sweet leaves pak choi, appx. 1/16tsp or about 30 seeds seeds per request

#CHC8-Chinese Cabbage - White Stem Dwarf Pak Choi, (45 days) Heat tolerant baby bok choy grows well in warm weather, nice thickly ribbed leaves, appx. 1/16+tsp or about 30-40 seeds seeds per request

#CHC9-Chinese Cabbage - Extra Dwarf Pak Choi, (30 days) Smaller than baby bok choy, this little gem is best harvested around 3", small yet still thickly ribbed & very tasty, appx. 1/16+tsp or about 30-40 seeds seeds per request

#CHC10-Chinese Cabbage - Canton Pak Choi, (50 days) This is a premium Pak Choi that can be harvested at any stage, very thick ribs & lightly savoyed leaves characterize this delicious & highly respected pak choi, appx. 1/8tsp or about 50-60 seeds seeds per request

#CHC11-Chinese Cabbage - Osaka Shirona, (40-60 days) Loose leaf vairiety is sometimes sold as komatsuna. Great for stir fries, appx. 1/16tsp or about 30 seeds seeds per request

#CHE1-Chervil - (60 days) Organic, These lacy leaves add a distinct flavor to cooked dishes & mesculun mix. Known by the Greeks as khaire-phyllon, or ‘leaf of joy,’ sprigs were often give as a blessing to friends. Appx. 1/4tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#CHE2-Chervil - Fine Curled (60 days) Organic Seed, slow bolting variety also known as "Fijne Krul", mild licorice flavor & edible blossoms. Appx. 1/8tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#CHE3-Chervil - Vertissimo (60 days) Dark Green Brussels Winter Chervil, Slow bolting & vigorous variety, Appx. 1/8tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#CHI1-Chicory - Broadleaf Forage Chicory, (perennial) Drought tolerant forage chicory has a deep tap root that makes minerals available for animals, the leaves of which can be more nutritious thasn alfalfa. It's quaint blue flowers can commonly be seen growing along roadsides, this is also the chicory used who's root is roasted & used as a coffee sub, or with coffee, known as "New Orleans Style Coffee", appx. 1/16th tsp or about 100+ seeds per request

#CHV1-Chives - Garlic Chives, also known as Chinese Leeks, sports edible flowers that have a mild garlic taste. Appx. 1/16tsp (50 seeds) per request

#CHV2-Chives - Nira Garlic Chives, Organic Seed, A refined variety of Chinese leek or Garlic Chives. LIMITED!! Appx. 1/32+tsp or about 20 seeds per request

#CHV3-Chives - Staro Heavy Leaf, (perennial) Heavy leaves make for great drying or freezing for that classic chives flavor anytime. Appx. 1/16tsp (100 seeds) per request

#CHV4-Chives - Polyvert, (perennial) Medium leaf chive is uniform & vigorous, appx. 1/16tsp or about 60-100 seeds per request

#CHV5-Chives - Nelly, (perennial) Organic Seed, Medium/fine leaf chive is a great all around chive that will produce almost forever. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! small sample, appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#CHV6-Chives - Dolores, (perennial) Fine leaf chive is best for fresh eating, very refimed, upright plant habit. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! small sample, appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#CHV7-Chives - Purly, (perennial) Medium leaves are versatile, use fresh or process for later. Very sturdy upright leaf, appx. 1/16tsp or about 50-100 seeds per request

#CLO1-Clover - Mammoth Red Clover, Organic, Renowned medicinal tea, excellent crop cover & animal forage. Inoculated with organic compliant inoculant. 1/4 - 1/2 tsp per request

#CLO2-Clover - Medium Red Clover, Organic, low growing clover tolerates many cuts, a fabulous cover crop/nitrogen fixer, 1/4 - 1/2 tsp per request

#CLO3-Clover - Crimson Clover, large crimson blossoms adorn this classic nitrogen fixing cover crop, some of our seed stock may be treated with organic certified inoculant, 1/2 tsp per request

#CLO4-Clover - Sweet Clover, (60 Days) A powerful farmers ally, with compaction prevantion & erosion control, this nitrogen fixer grows tall, with small yellow flowers & adapts to many areas, some of our seed stock may be treated with organic compliant inoculant, 1/2 tsp per request

#CLO5-Clover - White Dutch Clover, classic low growing white clover that has all the benefits for the soil you could ask for in a clover, 1/2 tsp per request

#CLO6-Clover - Ladino, A very popular, shallow rooted, white clover with big flowers & leaves, some of our seed stock may be treated with organic compliant inoculant, appx. 1/4 tsp per request

#CO1-Collards - Vates Collards, a classic collard green introduced in 1930, appx. 1/8th-1/4 tsp per request, 100 seeds or so

#CO2-Collards - Georgia Southern, Slow to bolt, huge dark green leaves are full & juicy which makes them enjoyable raw. Classic taste, appx. 1/8tsp (50 seeds) per request

#CO3-Collards - Champion Collards, (60 Days) Selected from Vates to hold longer in the field. Recommended if you are trying to overwinter. Limited! appx. 1/16tsp or about 20-30 seeds per request

#CO4-Collards - Morris Heading, (75 Days) AKA Cabbage Collards, this slow to bolt, highly adaptable collar forms a loose cabbage like head. Nutrient dense & delicious! Limited! appx. 1/16tsp or about 40 seeds per request

Cosmos Bipinnatus - Classic cosmos display long standing blooms throughout the Summer, in white & variety of pinks
Grow a single variety & save pure seeds to share & keep these cosmos going! You can also save pure seed by isolating by timing or at least 1/4 mile.

#COS1-Cosmos - Sensation Mix, (85-90 Days) Low maintenance, large-flowered cosmos, in pink, rose, magenta and sometimes white. Released in 1930 & has been the most widely grown Cosmos in all these years. Appx. 1/4tsp (50 seeds) per request

#COS2-Cosmos - Candystripe, (85-90 Days)Lilac flowers rimmed with a darker purple make this easy to grow flower stand out in a crowd, appx. 25-50 seeds per request

#COS3-Cosmos - Picotee, (90 Days) a real treat, Picotee is a bicolor cosmo mix that combines various arrangements of classic cosmos color, from white & light pinks to dark pinks & almost crimson. Very lovely cosmos, appx. 40-50 seeds per request

#COS4-Cosmos - Gloria, (90 Days) Classic pure pink blooms, brighten to a vivd dark neon fuschia/pink at the base. appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#COS5-Cosmos - Dazzler, (90 Days) Brilliant pure fuschia blossoms are vibrant & showy, appx. 30 seeds per request

#COS6-Cosmos - Purity, (90 Days) The all white cosmos grows 3-5ft tall & blooms all Summer, appx. 30 seeds per request

#COS7-Cosmos - Radiance, (90 Days) Similar to Gloria, with pink petals that deepen in color towards the base, with the darker area being more pronounced than Gloria, 1948 AAS winner, appx. 30 seeds per request

#COS8-Cosmos - Pinkie, (90 Days) All pink cosmos are classic light pink cosmos, despite the name, they grow to a healthy 5 feet tall, appx. 30 seeds per request

#COS9-Cosmos - Versailles Tetra Red, (60-90 Days) Scarlet red blossoms characvterize this exceptional cosmos, LIMITED! about 10-15 seeds per request

#COS10-Cosmos - Sea Shells Mix, (90 Days) The tubular petals on this cosmos are almost each like their own flower, very unique cosmos in the classic cosmos colors, white & shades of pink into light purple, appx. 30 seeds per request

Cosmos Sulphureus - As the name indicates, this exciting branch of the Cosmos family displays exciting yellow to red colors
Grow a single variety & save pure seeds to share & keep these cosmos going!

#COS11-Cosmos - Bright Lights, (65 Days)Bright orange flowers bring the sunshine to your garden!! appx. 40-60 seeds per request

#COS12-Cosmos - Red, (60-90 Days) Deep orange cosmos that grow up to 7ft high, a towering sulphureus, appx. 30 seeds per request

#COS13-Cosmos - Orange, (60-90 Days) The classic orange cosmos, vigorous & well adapted, appx. 30 seeds per request

#COS14-Cosmos - Polidor, (60-90 Days) A great spectrum of colors from vivid yellow to deep orange, a choice sulphereus mix, appx. 30 seeds per request

Cress -

#CR1-Cress - Upland Cress, Specialty green similar to watercress but easier to grow, appx. 1/32+tsp or about 100+ seeds per request

#CR2-Cress - Watercress, Organic, Standard variety nutritous gourmet green for fresh eating, appx. 1/32tsp or 100-200 seeds per request

#CR3-Cress - Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled Cress, a fluffy spicy addition to your salad mix also adding tang & an enjoyable sweetness, appx. 1/16tsp or about 100+ seeds per request

#CR4-Cress - Curled Cress, Organic Seed, aka "Pepper Grass" this spicy member of the mustard family is from Persia. Tender salad green also said to improve lung funtion, relieve coughs & aid digestion - appx. 1/32tsp or about 50+ seeds per request

Cucumber - Cucumbers are easily cross pollinated by insects. The easiest & most reliable way to grow & save pure seed from cucumbers is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at least 1/4-1/2 mile.

#CU1-Cucumber - Boothby's Blonde Cucumber, (63 Days) Organic Seed, A Maine heirloom maintained by the Boothby family for 5 generations. A short/plump, white/yellow cuke that is great for eating "out of hand", appx. 10 seeds per request

#CU2-Cucumber - Lemon Cucumber, (68 Days) The popular round yellow heirloom cucumber that was introduced by Samuel Wilson in his 1894 catalog. Reliable production of fresh eating cukes. Appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#CU3-Cucumber - Little Leaf H-19 Pickling Cucumber, (60 Days) Organic, A highly rated pickler & fresh eating cucumber. Compact vines produces well. Resistant to ANTH, ALS, DM, CMV, PM, scab, appx. 10-15 seeds per request, limited availability!! 5-8 seeds per request

#CU4-Cucumber - Marketmore 76 Cucumber, (63 Days)The standard in slicing cucmbers, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#CU5-Cucumber - Painted Serpent Cucumber, (55 days from transplant) Native to Armenia & brought to Italy in the 15th century. Also known as "Armenian Cucumber", can grow to 30" but is best eaten at 8-18". appx. 5-8 seeds per request

#CU6-Cucumber - Salt & Pepper Cucumber, Organic, A prolific white pickling cucumber that is also delicious fresh off the vine. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#CU7-Cucumber - Suhyo Long Cucumber, (61 Days) Organic Seed, Long fruited Asian cucumber grows up to 15" long & still retains it's sweet & mild taste, appx. 6-10 seeds per request

#CU8-Cucumber - Addis, (65 Days) 5-7" long cucumbers are bitter free & well adapted to a host of environments. great for fresh eating or pickling. A good all around cuke for the home gardeners. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#CU9-Cucumber - National Pickler, (52 Days) Introduced in 1929, this is the classic pickling cucmber. Productive & dependable, 10-15 seeds per request

#CU10-Cucumber - Mexican Sour Gherkin, (67 Days) Abundant 1 inch fruits look like mini watermelons, harvest before the seeds harden. Trellis recommended. appx. 5 seeds per request

#CU11-Cucumber - Wisconsin SMR 58 Pickling, (55 Days) Rumored to be the best non-hybrid pickling cucumber. Produces huge yields of mild, smaller cucumbers perfect for pickling, appx. 12 seeds per request

#CU12-Cucumber - Silver Slicer White, (64 Days) Organic Seed, A superb white cucumber bred at Cornell University. Excellent cucumber for fresh eating, an abundance of 7-8" white cucumbers should be expected from this delicious cucumber, appx. 10 seeds per request

#CU13-Cucumber - Beit Alpha CMR/MMR, (55 Days) Mediterranian cucumber is best at about 6 inches. Easy to grow & always bitter free skin make this a winner for fresh eating cukes, 10-20 seeds per request

#CU14-Cucumber - Metki Dark Green Armenian, (60 Days) Armenian Cucumber that is easy to grow & productive. Best at 12-18" but can grow to 3 feet!, 10-20 seeds per request

#CU15-Cucumber - Boston Pickling, (58 Days) Brought to market in 1877, a classic pickler that starts early & yields through the Summer, 10-20 seeds per request

#CU17-Cucumber - White Wonder, (45-60 Days) Ivory white color, 7-9" fruit that tolerates heat well, old time variety known by many names, Long White, Albino, Ivory King, Jack Frost, Landreth's White Slicing, 10-20 seeds per request

#CU18-Cucumber - Delikatesse, (60 Days) German Heirloom is very popular in Europe, Abundant producer of large pickling cucmbers that can also be eaten fresh. Fruits are very green with tiny bumbs all over them. appx. 10 seeds per request

#CU19-Cucumber - Muncher Burpless, (65-70 Days) Organic Seed, The name pretty much says it all, if you like a fresh eating cuke. Abundant producer of 8-9" fruits. appx. 10 seeds per request

#CU20-Cucumber - Shintokiwa, (62 Days) Organic Seed, Japanese style cucumber said to have better flavor & higher disease resistance than Suhyo. Very limited availability! 5-10 seeds per request

#CU21-Cucumber - Crystal Apple, (65 Days) Also known as "Crystal Lemon", is similar to lemon cucumber with a more white/green color. Popular in Australia/New Zealand before being offered in the US by Ferry Morse in 1934. - LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#CU22-Cucumber - Sumter Pickling, (50-65 Days) a very productive old fashioned pickling cucumber. fruits tend to maintain quality up to 6", disease resistant vairety is easy to grow - appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#CU23-Cucumber - Long Green Improved Slicer, (60 Days) this cucumber shows up in history around 1870 & is aptly named, great eating quality fresh up to 12" & also useable for pickles if harvested early - appx. 10 seeds per request

#CU24-Cucumber - Poinsett 76, (70 Days) Released in 1976 by Dr. Munger of Cornell University. A fantastic slicer that stays sweet up to a good size. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#CU25-Cucumber - Cool Customer Pickling, (55 Days) Organic seed, vigorous disease resistant vines that produce plenty of delicious cucumbers with great crunch, LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 6 seeds per request

#CU26-Cucumber - Homemade Pickles, (60 Days) High yielding, disease resistant, 5' vines bear crunchy cucumbers with small white spines, appx. 10-20 seed per request

#CU27-Cucumber - Ashley, (65 Days) DM resistant vines produce large cucmbers of about 8", with great fresh eating quality, appx. 20 seeds per request

#CU29-Cucumber - Chinese Snake (75 Days) Beautiful disease resistant, curved, Chinese style cucumbers up to 18", LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 6 seeds per request

#CU30-Cucumber - English Telegraph, (60 Days) Introduced in 1884, this classic bitterfree heirloom is a premium treat! LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#CU31-Cucumber - Brown Russian Pickling, (50 Days) Brown skin reveals suprsing pure white bitterfree flesh, that is extremely sweet, LIMITED! 8-10 seeds per request

#CU32-Cucumber - Parisian Pickler, (60 Days) Unique looking cucumber is covered with bumps & is indeed a fantastic pickler, LIMITED! appx. 6 seeds per request

#CU33-Cucumber - West Indian Gherkin, (55 Days) 3-4" lime green spiky fruits, are born on extremely vigorous vines that produce throughout the Summer, appx. 10 seeds per request

#CUMIN-Cumin - (110 Days) The essential culinary spice used around the world, appx. 1/4 tsp or about 50+ seeds per request

Daisy - Our "Daisy" group contains true daisies, like Shasta Daisy & it also contains other daisy like flowers, such as rudbeckia or black eyed susan. True daisies can be mostly self pollinating & do nogt require much Isolation distance, maybe 20 ft or so, while rudbeckia & other daisy like flowers can be easily cross pollinated by insects. The easiest & most reliable way to grow & save pure seed from rudbeckia & other outbreeding flowers is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at least 1/4-1/2 mile.

#DAI1-Daisy - Shasta Daisy (Alaska), (Perennial zones 4-9) The classic daisy that reminds us Summer is here, Appx. 1/32tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#DAI2-Daisy - Gloriosa Daisy Rudbeckia, An improved version of the "Black Eyed Susan" which is native to North America. Much like a cross between a daisy & a sunflower, "black eyes" are surrounded by petals in various shades of yellow, orange & brown. Typically delivers flowers nonstop from July until frost, even on poor soils with minimal care, Appx. 1/32tsp or about 60-100 seeds per request

#DAI3-Daisy - Black Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia, The Classic "Black Eyed Susan" which is native to North America. Much like a cross between a daisy & a sunflower, "black eyes" are surrounded by petals in various shades of yellow, orange & brown. Typically delivers flowers nonstop from July until frost, even on poor soils with minimal care. Appx. 1/32tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#DAI4-Daisy - Garland Double Daisy - Edible Chrysanthemum, yellow eyes & petals or yellow or white in layers or "doubles" unlike the single yellows in standard shungiku, appx. 1/16tsp or about 60 seeds per request

#DAI5-Daisy - Goldilocks - Rudbeckia, A 15"dwarf "Black Eyed Susan" that features abundant semi-double blossoms. A very showy rudbeckia that is easy to grow. Appx. 1/64tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#DAI6-Daisy - Green Eyes - "Black Eyed Susan" or in this case, green eyed susan, with classic yellow petals that are lighter on the tips. Also called Irish Eyes. Appx. 1/64tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#DAI7-Daisy - African Daisy Mix or in this case, green eyed susan, with classic yellow petals that are lighter on the tips. Also called Irish Eyes. Appx. 1/64tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#DAIP2-Daisy - Painted Daisy - perennial in zones 3-7, Yellow centers in single colored flowers of white, pink & red, great cutflower, appx. 1/16tsp or about 30-40 seeds per request

#DAIP3-Daisy - Rainbow Mix Painted Daisy - perennial in zones 3-7, flowering the second year. One of the coolest daisy type flowers around. Rings of color in the petals create playful "bullseyes" in the garden, appx. 1/16tsp or about 30-40 seeds per request

#DAIP4-Daisy - Robinson's Mix Painted Daisy - (Pyrethrum), Pink petals on a yellow heart make these "daisies" a Summer favorite. Tanacetum coccineum, also known as Persian Chrysanthemum, originate in the Caucasus Mountains & are hardy in zones 3-7, flowering the second year. LIMITED! Appx. 15 seeds per request

#DAN1-Dandelion - Italiko Red, (56 days) Deep red stems contrast with green leaves making this an eye catching green, classic bitter dandelion flavor, though technically a chicory, Appx. 1/32tsp or around 50 seeds per request

#DAT2-Datura - Datura Innoxia (Moonflower), (perennial zones 7-12) Organic Seed, Large white flowers produce a tantalizing scent & bloom in accordance with the moon cycles. A myriad of medicinal uses are associated with daturas, however all parts of the plant are extremely toxic & should never be ingested. Soaking seeds in a kelp solution is recommended to increase germination. Very limited! 4 seeds per request

Dianthus -

#DIA1-Dianthus - Sweet William Double Choice Dianthus, Self sowing biennial with flowers in pink, red, white, lavender & mixed colors, appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#DIA2-Dianthus - Reisen Giant Superb Mix, perennial to zone 8, typically grown as an annual, a double fringed carnation with a nice variety of colors in shades of white, red & yellow, each color bearing a different smell. We have very little of this seed this year, expect about 20 seeds per request while available

#DIA3-Dianthus - Cottage Pinks, (60-90 days) Perennial Zones 4-9, abundance of single petals in a variety of pinks form a mounding mat, which can be divided to propagate, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40-60 seeds per request

#DIA4-Dianthus - Dunetti Sweet William, Biennial Zones 4-9, Flower clusters are like crimson velvet, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#DIA5-Dianthus - Albus Sweet William, Biennial Zones 4-9, All White flower clusters are indeed magical, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#DIA6-Dianthus - Grenadin Carnation, Perennial to zone 4, Gorgeous double blooms in white, pinks, reds, bicolor & yellow, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#DIA7-Dianthus - Grenadin King of Blacks Carnation, Perennial to zone 4, Double blossoms of the deepest red, said to be the darkest of the carnations, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#DIA8-Dianthus - Picotee Mix Carnation, Perennial to zone 4, Shades of candy canes, in bicolor stripes & speckles, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#DIA9-Dianthus - Chabaud Carnation, Perennial to zone 4, Wonderfully fragrant, full, ruffled flowers in all the classic carnation colors, white, yellow, pinks, reds & some bright purples, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#DIA10-Dianthus - Babydoll Mix Chinese Pinks, Perennial to zone 4, single blooms come in a range of classic dianthus colors & unique, interesting patterns, appx. 1/32tsp or about 40-60 seeds per request

#DIA11-Dianthus - Rainbow Lovliness, Heavily fringed blooms have a delectable scent & come in a mix of colors & bicolors, a very unique dianthus that you have to see (& smell!) to believe. LIMITED!! about 20 seeds per request while available

Dill -

#DI1-Dill - Mammoth Long Island, (68 days) Long feathery sweet leaves & productive for dill seed, also good in containers. Appx. 1/4tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#DI2-Dill - Dukat, slow bolting, older, fernleaf variety is sweet & aromatic

#DI3-Dill - Hera, (50 days leaf, 100 days seed) The recommended variety for leaf production, slow to bolt & very productive, appx. 1/8tsp or about 60+ seeds per request

#DI4-Dill - Thalia, (50 days leaf, 100 days seed) Organic Seed, slow to bolt, uniform variety for leaf production. appx. 1/16tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#DI5-Dill - Dwarf Fernleaf, (60 days) A classic leaf variety of dill that stays compact, topping out around 2 feet tall, making this a great dill for containers & spots where airspace is at a premium. Very limited availability! appx. 30 seed per request

#DI6-Dill - Bouquet, sweet & ferny strain with good vigor. Perfect for growing leaf to dry. Appx. 1/4tsp (100+ seeds) per request

Eggplant - Eggplants are easily cross pollinated by insects. The easiest & most reliable way to grow & save pure seed from eggplants is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of at least 1/4-1/2 mile.

#EG1-Eggplant - Long Ping Tung, (65 Days) Slender purple fruits from Taiwan grow up to 18" long, eat skin & all of this sweet, bitter free eggplant, appx 12 seeds per request

#EG2-Eggplant - Casper White, (70-90 Days) This pure white fruit has classic eggplant shape & grows 6-10" long, appx 10 seeds per request

#EG3-Eggplant - Petch Siam, (50 Days) This is the heirloom version of "kermit" a tiny (2" dia.) green, white striped eggplant. The village of Matti in India is famous for this type of eggplant which is offered to lord Krsna, appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#EG4-Eggplant - Black Beauty, (80 Days) Classic large eggplant, dark purple, egg shaped fruits weighing in at 1-3 lbs, 10-20 seeds per request

#EG5-Eggplant - Shooting Stars, (57 Days) Brilliant purple Italian eggplant with white stripes, tender white flesh is sweet & easy to enjoy - appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#EG6-Eggplant - Kurume Long, (60 Days) A well loved Japanese eggplant, slender dark fruits up to 10" long are bitter free & delicious. Hardy plants can handle being field grown - appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#EG7-Eggplant - Rosa Bianca, (88 Days) Beautiful Italian heirloom boasts lavender streaks on a plump white eggplant, often weighing in from 2-4 lbs., appx. 10 - 20 seeds per request

#EG8-Eggplant - Round Mauve, (65 Days) Vibrant purple globes grow to 3" in diameter, appx. 12 seeds per request

#EG9-Eggplant - Florida Market, (80-90 Days) Large sized traditional eggplant is hardy & disease resistant appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#EG10-Eggplant - Kamo, (65 Days) A striking appearance, almost black roundish fruits are used in traditional Japanese pickles. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#EG11-Eggplant - White Egg, (65 Days) We love white eggplants! Sweet & delightful fried or roasted. This Japanese eggplant looks like a lot like an egg, 2-3 inches in size. appx. 20 seeds per request

#EG12-Eggplant - Purple Thai Round, (55 Days) Vigorous & prolific, along with well adapted to a variety of circumstances, this is a great choice for a round Asian type eggplant, appx. 20 seeds per request

#EG13-Eggplant - Louisiana Long Green, (75 Days) Outside of it's name, delicious & tender is the best way to describe this southern favorite, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#EG14-Eggplant -Pandora Striped Rose, (75 Days) Bright Purple with white stripes, an abundance of bitter free eggplants come from this productive plant, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#EG15-Eggplant -Little Fingers Purple, (68 Days) Dark purple skinny eggplants grow in clusters of 3-5 looking like a purple hand on the plant, a great long asian type eggplant, LIMITED! appx. 10 seeds per request

#EG16-Eggplant -Togo, (85 Days) an african eggplant with similar orange coloring to Turkish eggplant, only Togo is skinny & elongated, similar in shape & size to a jalapeno, LIMITED! appx. 10 seeds per request

#EN1-Endive - Full Heart Batavian Endive, also know as Escarole. Often cooked, but a good salad green. Heirloom Dated back to at least mid 1800's, appx. 1/32+tsp or about 30-50 seeds per request

#EN2-Endive - Frisee Endive, delicate leaves of a yellow-green color add great loft to salad mixes, slightly bitter nut mild taste, green is often cooked as well as eaten fresh.

#EN3-Endive - Sugar Loaf Endive, (80 Days) Yellow green cylindrical heads, gets sweeter with cool weather, best after a frost, appx. 1/32tsp or about 30-50 seeds per request

#EN4-Endive - Red Treviso Endive, (70-100 Days) Classic deep red with white stem, cylindrical heads. Cut 1-2 inches above the soil to allow for a second growth.

#EN5-Endive - Witloof Chicory, (55-115 Days) Classic cylindrical heads sprout white stems with very pale yellow/green tips. This Belgian endive can be cut forced to produce "chicons" a rare gourmet treat

Fennel -

#FE1-Fennel - Bronze Fennel (65 Days) Organic Seed, Nonbulbing fennel produces striking feathery bronze foliage, LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp (20 seeds) per request - Could someone please grow a seed crop of this for us?

#FE2-Fennel - Grosfruchtiger (50-60 Days) Nonbulbing fennel producing leaf with full flavor, appx. 1/8+tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#FE3-Fennel - Florence (80-100 Days) This classic heirloom bulbing fennel is also known by the name "finocchio" - appx. 1/8+tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#FE4-Fennel - Fino (80 Days) Organic Seed, A little bit larger bulb than Zefa Fino, this fennel is a consistent high yielder, with strong flavor. VERY LIMITED! - appx. 20 seeds per request

#FE5-Fennel - Sweet Fennel (90 Days) A delicious & well adapted bulbing fennel - appx. 1/16tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#FENU-Fenugreek - (30+ days for leaves, 90+ days for seed) The classic herb is used in culinary, medicine & for an aromatic. Appx. 1/4 tsp or about 100-120 seeds per request

#FMN1-Firmament Chinese Forget-Me-Not Also known as Hound's Tongue, 1939 AAS winner, dainty clusters of sky blue blossoms with a long blooom period. Appx. 25 seeds per request

#FMN2-Forget-Me-Not Short lived perennial that readily self seeds. Dainty blue flowers on a short stem. Not to be confused with Firmament Chinese Foreget Me Not, blossoms are lighter & holds some other botanical differences. Appx. 1/64tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#GY1-Gypsophila (baby's breath) - Covent Garden (90 Days) Classic white baby's breath flowers give great body to any bouquet.Heat tolerant & compact with 1/2" blooms. Appx. 1/32tsp (40 seeds) per request

#HC1-Husk Cherry - Aunt Molly's Husk Cherry, (72 Days) Organic Seed, Native to Central America this heirloom was widely grown in Poland. A very flavorful variety of Husk Cherry that's worth a try! Appx. 20 seeds

#HH-Horehound - (70-80 days) This herb has been valued by some as a sore throat tonic, very small sample of very small seeds, appx. 1/64tsp or aboput 20 seeds per request

#HOP1-Hops - (perennial zones 4-8) Organic, grows up to 30 ft in a single season! Medicinal herb is commonly used as a sleep aid & of course in the manufacture of beer. Best sown in the fall outdoors or in a cold frame with a minimum of 30 days of cold treatment. Plants are male & female, typically female is considered more useful but you will need males if you wish to make seeds. Please make seeds! ;) PLEASE NOTE!: We cannot ship hops to WA or ID states. Limited availability! appx. 5-8 seeds per request

#HYS-Hyssop - (85-90 days/perennial) Violet blue flowers are a favorite of the bees, mint family plant makes a very nice tea, appx. 1/32 tsp or about 60-100 seeds) per request

Kale -

#KA1-Kale - Vates Blue Scotch Curled, A reliable classic ruffled kale, extremely cold hardy. Hard to beat. Appx. 1/8-1/4tsp (60-150 seeds) per request

#KA2-Kale - Red Russian, Super hardy, tender sweet kale good from sprouts up to full size, appx. 1/8-1/4 tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#KA3-Kale - Nero Di Tuscana Lacinato, the original Italian heirloom lacinato or dinosaur kale, appx. 1/8-1/4 tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#KA4-Kale - Black Magic, an improved dinosaur variety with broader leaves. Appx. 1/8 tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#KA5-Kale - Dwarf Siberian (50 days) Cold hardy kale with the classic curled kale look, sporting bright green nutritous leaves. Appx. 1/4tsp (100-150 seeds) per request

#KA6-Kale - Ethiopian (50-60 days) Brassica Carinata, sometimes called Ethiopian Mustard, this kale is sort of halfway between a mustard & a kale, with very mild tasting leaves.

#KA7-Kale - Russian Frills (55 days) Organic Seed, extra frilly kale resembles Red Russian, this very cold hardy Oregon kale was nearly lost if not for seedsman Peter Bauwens maintaining it in Belgium. This unique kale has great loft when mature & holds it's sweet taste. Appx. 1/8 tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#KA8-Kale - White Russian, (60 days) slightly more productive than Red Russian. Delicious & sweet kale is very cold hardy. Appx. 1/4tsp (100-150 seeds) per request

#KA9-Kale - Portuguese, (85 days) Brassica Oleracea, this kale may be closer to collards or cabbage than a traditional kale. Extremely cold hardy, smooth green leaves, Appx. 1/4tsp (100-150 seeds) per request

#KA10-Kale - Scarlet, (50 days) Brassica Oleracea, heavily ruffled green leaves with magenta/purple veining, that gain more color in cooler climates, Appx. 1/4tsp (100-150 seeds) per request

#KA11-Kale - Premier, (50 days) Brassica Oleracea, nutrient dense thick leaves that are green with white veins & very minimal ruffling, Appx. 1/4tsp (100-150 seeds) per request

#KA12-Kale - Dazling Blue, (60 days) Brassica Oleracea, a beautiful blue veined "dino" kale, Appx. 1/16tsp or about 50 seeds per request

Kohlrabi -

#KO1-Kohlrabi - White Vienna Kohlrabi, early dwarf Heirloom Kohlrabi from Central Europe dating prior to 1860, appx. 1/8+tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#KO2-Kohlrabi - Purple Vienna Kohlrabi, (60 days) Attractive purple kohlrabi is a delight to roast or eat fresh. Appx. 1/8+tsp (45 seeds) per request

#KO3-Kohlrabi - Gigante Kohlrabi, (130 days) Enormous kohlrabi regulary exceeding 10lbs, this Czech heirloom keeps it's sweet flavor even at it's unreasonably large size. Appx. 1/16tsp (50-80 seeds) per request

Lavender -

#LA1-Lavender - Common English Lavender, Perennial with good hardiness & of course a favorite of pollinators, limited! Appx. 1/64tsp (30-45 seeds) per request

#LA2-Lavender - Munstead Lavender, Famous cultivar of English lavender is compact & bushy, limited! Appx. 1/64tsp (30-45 seeds) per request

#LA3-Lavender - Spike Lavender, Also known as Portuguese Lavender, A favorite of pollinators, grows to about 18" tall. Appx. 1/64tsp (20-30 seeds) per request

#LA4-Lavender - Vera Lavender, A cold hardy cultivar of English lavender, known for it's delicious fragrance, often called "True Lavender". Appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LB-Lemon Balm - (70 Days/perennial) Lemon scented leaves are great for tea, salads & aromatherapy. Loved by pollinators, easy to grow, mulch in areas that freeze. Appx. 1/64 tsp or about 50 to more than 100 seeds per request

Lettuce - Lettuce are perfectly self pollinating & therefore you only need to seperate varieties 10-20 ft apart in order to maintain pure seed stock of each variety.

#LE1-Lettuce - Black Seeded Simpson, (46 Days) One of the easiest to grow lettuces. Quick to produce abundant bright green leaves. Some resistance to heat. Appx. 1/8tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#LE2-Lettuce - Bronze Mignonette, (46 Days) A lovely butterhead tyoe lettuce is bright green with redish "bronze" tint on the tips of it's leaves. Warmth tolerant variety is popular with southern growers. Appx. 1/8tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#LE3-Lettuce - Buttercrunch, (50 Days) A well loved butterhead that enjoys a wide following. The name doesn't hurt;) but this lettuce is delectable. Slow to bolt, classic green butterhead. Appx. 1/8tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#LE4-Lettuce - Flashy Trout Back (27/55 Days) Organic Seed, Romaine style lettuce with green leave that have red to maroon spots, Appx. 1/16tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#LE5-Lettuce - Les Oreilles du Diable, (50 Days) Organic Seed, Don't be fooled! "Devil's Ears" lettuce is a real angel!! Almost never bolts on us & holds it's sweet taste. Top pick for lettuce! sorry, limited supply, appx. 25 seeds per request

#LE6-Lettuce - Lollo Rossa, very cold hardy, gourmet "lofty" appearance & one of the sweeter Lollo Rosso Lettuces. Appx. 1/8tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#LE7-Lettuce - Red Salad Bowl Looseleaf, (46 Days) Nice rosettes of frilly red oak leaf, very cold hardy, introduced in 1955. Appx. 1/8tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#LE8-Lettuce - Rouge d'Hiver Romaine, (65 Days) 1840's French Heirloom, green to bronze offers a sweet flavor & is a good choice to overwinter, appx. 1/8th tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#LE9-Lettuce - Tom Thumb Miniature Butterhead Lettuce, Heirloom first brought to market in England in 1858, doesn't take heat. Appx. 1/16tsp (50-100+ seeds) per request

#LE10-Lettuce - Winter Density Romaine, (60 Days) Also known as "Craquerelle du Midi" a 19th century French heirloom. Best of both worlds as it starts as a bibb & finishes off as a romaine. Appx. 1/8tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#LE11-Lettuce - Kagraner Sommer Butterhead, (55 Days) German Heirloom produces medium sized heads that are light green, buttery & slow to bolt. Appx. 1/8th tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#LE12-Lettuce - Royal Oakleaf, (50 Days) An improved green oakleaf variety that produces thick heads & is slower to bolt than others, Appx. 1/8th tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#LE13-Lettuce - Green Oakleaf, (60 Days) A good all around leaf lettuce that has been known to be cold hardy but also comes through in warm weather

#LE14-Lettuce - Bronze Guard, (70 Days) Another great oakleaf lettuce, holds well & remains bitter free, green with "bronze" tint, Appx. 1/16tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#LE15-Lettuce - Red Sails, (70 Days) Organic, Red tipped, frilly fluffy lettuce forms a nice rosette, extremely limited availability! appx. 25 seeds per request

#LE16-Lettuce - Amish Deer Tongue, (50 Days) A hardy & reliable green deer tongue lettuce, limited availability! appx. 1/8th tsp of seed per request

#LE17-Lettuce - Mayan Jaguar, (49 Days) Organic, We have been trying to get ahold of this seed for a few years now & are so very happy to be offering it now. Striking purple spots on brilliant green leaves with a fantastic crunch. Does not tolerate heat. Very limited! Please save seeds from this! Appx. 20 seeds per request

#LE18-Lettuce - Purple Sword Celtuce, (75-85 Days) Grown for it's delectable stems that are used in stir fries. A purple variety of stem lettuce. Limited Availability Appx. 30-50 seeds per request

#LE19-Lettuce - Spring Tower Celtuce, (75-85 Days) Grown for it's delectable stems that are used in stir fries. Spring Tower is a green leaf variety of Celtuce that matures rapidly once establlished. Limited Availability Appx. 50 seeds per request

#LE20-Lettuce - Lingua Di Canarino, (50 Days) Organic Seed, a beautiful, refined, European oakleaf lettuce produce light green 8" heads with exceptional eating quality over an extended period. Slow to bolt & bitterfree for a good spell. LIMITED!! Appx. 1/64tsp (30+ seeds) per request

#LE21-Lettuce - Cimmaron, (65 Days) Red romaine that is extremely slow to bolt, Appx. 1/8th tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#LE22-Lettuce - Webbs Wonderful, (72 Days) English crsiphead lettuce, bright green & stays crisp even in hot southern gardens, Appx. 1/16tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#LE23-Lettuce - Freckles Romaine, (50-70 Days) Extra fancy romaine is bright green with purple spots, LIMITED! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 50+ seeds per request

#LE24-Lettuce - Flashy green Butter Oak, (54 Days) Organic Seed, Emerald oaks x Flashy troutback, a premium speckled lettuce that is quaint & delicious, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LE25-Lettuce - Italienisher Oak Leaf, (55 Days) Organic Seed, AN absolutely excellent, heat tolerant green oakleaf lettuce, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LE26-Lettuce - Really Red Deer Tongue, (48 Days) Organic Seed, this improved red deer tongue is more purple than red, deep color & fair heat resistance, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LE27-Lettuce - Elf Ears Oakleaf, (49 Days) Organic Seed, very uniform & showy, smaller than Italienisher, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 20-30 seeds per request

#LE29-Lettuce - De Morges Braun, (64 Days) Organic Seed, looseleaf lettuce is light green & bronze, upright & delivers a smooth texture, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LE30-Lettuce - Pandero, (44 Days) Organic Seed, mini romaine lettuce is deep red with green at the base, juicy, sweet & crunchy, will bolt in the heat, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LE31-Lettuce - Hyper Red Rumple Waved, (50 Days) Organic Seed, A pure red looseleaf lettuce with intriguing tecture & good cold tolerance, will not germinate in warm weather, LIMITED! appx. 1/64tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#LG1-Lemongrass - Perennial zones 9-11, can be brought inside or grown as an annual in colder climates. Expect poor germination, as 40% is considered good for lemongrass, Limited availability! appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#LIA-Liatris - Spiked Gayfeather, classic liatris produces abundant spike or rose & lavendar blossoms. This perennial hardy in zones 3-8 produces flowers on the second year. A great addition to any bouquet. Appx. 1/8tsp (20-30 seeds) per request

#LK4-Leek - American Flag, (80-130 days) Slightly more modern version of the Scotch Flag or Giant of Musselbugh, Winter hardy leek that is easy to grow, typically 2-3" thick & 9-16" long. Appx. 1/8+ tsp (60-80 seeds) per request

#LK5-Leek - Caranten, (95-110 days) Caranten became commercially available in the US in the 1880's, making them tried & true. Growing to 8 or 9 inches & about 2" in diameter, appx. 1/8tsp (60+ seeds) per request

#LK6-Leek - King Sieg, (84 days) Organic Seed, King Richard & Siegfried Frost was made by Beth Rasgorshek in Idaho. The result is a stout medium sized leek that can reach up to 3" thick. Very limited! Appx. 20-40 seeds per request

#LOV-Lovage - Perennial to zone 4, this versatile herb deserves more attention, edible in a variety of ways & is attractive to pollinators. Appx. 1/8+ tsp (50 seeds) per request

#MA1-Marjoram - Sweet Marjoram, (80-95 Days) Essential for your herb garden. Cut often for extended production & do not overwater! Appx. 1/64tsp (100 tiny seeds) per request

#MA2-Marjoram - Wild Marjoram, (85-90 Days) Organic Seed, Edible flowers in pink to purple are highly attractive to pollinators. Herb is mild & sweet, great for teas & in the kitchen. Also known as Italian Oregano. Very limited! small sample of very small seeds

Marigold -

#MAR1-Marigold - Mexican Mint Marigold, (80-95 Days, perennial zones 8-11) Licorice flavored, edible golden yellow flowers bloom all Summer, leaves are used as a substitute for French Tarragon, also known as "Mexican Tarragon", small sample of about 25 seeds per request

#MAR2-Marigold - Crackerjack Mix African Marigold, Early mix of yellow, gold & orange double blossoms on 30" plants, appx. 50 or more seeds per request

#MAR3-Marigold - Lemondrop French Marigold, Crested variety, dwarf plant with true yellow blossoms, appx. 40 seeds per request

#MAR4-Marigold - Queen Sophia Marigold, AAS winner, French Marigold, gorgeous 2-3" dark orange blossoms with petals rimmed in gold. Leaves are edible for a flavorful salad green or garnish, appx. 40 seeds per request

#MAR5-Marigold - Tangerine Gem Marigold, hundreds of petite orange flowers make a nice bite sized edible garnish, attractive to beneficial insects, appx. 30-50 seeds per request

#MAR6-Marigold - Lemon Star Marigold, (60 days) Another "gem" type marigold. This one is a pretty yellow with a striking red ring towards the center of the flower. Hundreds of very pretty little flowers grow in low mounds & are a great buffer against predatory bugs, yet are attractive to many beneficial insects. Edible flower, appx. 40 seeds per request

#MAR7-Marigold - Nematode Control Marigold, (60-70 days) A taller marigold that is drought & animal resistant, often used in companion planting to deter insects. Flowers are classic marigold color, single petals with large centers, plants grow up to 3 feet tall - appx. 50 or more seeds per request

#MAR8-Marigold - Naughty Marietta French Marigold, (50-65 days) A nice French marigold, bosts golden centers surrounded by deep orange/burgundy, highly ruffled petals, classic look dwarf marigold is great for border plantings - appx. 50 seeds per request

#MAR9-Marigold - Sparky Marigold, (65-75 days) A classic French type marigold, fluffy semi-double heads are orange with yellow around the edges, great for border planting, maturing around 12-14" tall - appx. 50 or more seeds per request

#MAR10-Marigold - Dainty Marietta, (50-65 days) A beautiful French Marigold that is bright yellow red towards the center, gorgeous patterning of color on small blooms. This variety is low growing, making it great for companion planting. - appx. 40 seeds per request

#MAR11-Marigold - Hawaii, (90 days) African type marigold yields an abundance or large, heavily ruffled orange flowers. - appx. 40 seeds per request

#MAR12-Marigold - Tangerine, (60 days) Frech double marigold in tangerine coloring, adds lovely loft to bouquets & a pleasing aroma - appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#MAR13-Marigold - Mary Helen, (56 days) AFrican type marigold produces full bulbous blossoms of bright, bright yellow, strongly scented beauties are known to repel insects - appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#MAR14-Marigold - Legion Of Honor, (60 days) Dwarf French Marigold sports single blossoms of bright yellow with burgundy tabs towards the eye, a darling little flower - appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#MAR15-Marigold - Court Jester, (100 days) Single layer of petals alternating bright yellow & burgundy stripes create an entertaining contrast. LIMITED!! about 15 seeds per request

#MCH1-Mache - Verte de Cambrai Mache, great for overwintering, grown by Thomas Jefferson in 1810 under the name Candia, appx. 1/8+tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#MCH2-Mache - Large-Leaf Round Mache Specialty Greens, traced back to 1840, although "corn salad" has been harvested for centuries, Winter salad favorite, appx. 1/4 tsp or 80-100 seeds per request

#MCH3-Mache - Vit, (40 days) this mache's variety has a mildew resistance that make it a great choice for overwintering, LIMITED! about 20 seeds per request

#ME1-Melon - Golden Beauty Casaba Melon, (110 Days) Mildly sweet juicy tender golden yellow melon, appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME2-Melon - Tendral Verde Tardif, (110 Days Cucumis Melo) Oblong melon with deep green skin gives way to sugary white flesh. This unique European Winter melon can hold a while in storage. appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME3-Melon - Rocky Ford Green Flesh, (85-95 Days Cucumis Melo) Organic Seed, Fully netted melon turns from dark green to yellow as it ripens. Crisp flesh is light green. - appx. 20 seeds per request

#ME4-Melon - Amarillo Oro, (100 Days Cucumis Melo) Yellow green slightly bumpy skin gives way to sweet white flesh. This old time Spanish heirloom usually comes in at 3-5lbs each but can be nursed up to 15lbs. each with proper care, which is amazing for this type of melon. This Winter melon also has good storage capabilities - appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME5-Melon - Orange Flesh Honeydew, (105 Days) Best of both worlds honeydew rind with orange juicy flesh, Appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME6-Melon - Hales Best Jumbo Cantalope, (85-100 Days) Large heavily netted & ribbed traditional sweet cantalope, appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME7-Melon - Branco Do Ribatejo, (105 days Days) Cucumis Melo, very sweet white green flesh surrounded by a white rind. 6-8lb oval fruits, appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME8-Melon - Canary Melon, (85-110 Days) Bright yellow melons with light green flesh somewhat like honeydew, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#ME9-Melon - Prescott Fond Blanc Cantaloupe, (88 Days) 3-5 pound fruits, wrinkly, warty, bumpy, thick skinned grey-green, has the appearance of a fairy tale squash, that gives way to deep orange, sweet flesh. 6 seeds per request

#ME10-Melon - Honey Rock, (75-90 Days) Cucumis Melo - grey green rib lines are reminiscent of Charantais melons, though lighter in color & lightly netted. Flesh is a rich salmon color, sweet & juicy melons average 3-7lbs each - appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME12-Melon - Green Flesh Honeydew, (105 Days) Sweet green flesh with a smooth hard rind. Appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#ME13-Melon - Hearts of Gold Muskmelon, (85 Days) Ribbed & netted fruits with juicy orange flesh. Introduced in the late 1800's as one of the first "modern melons", now been around long enough to consider an heirloom, appx. 10 seeds per request

#ME15-Melon - Charentais, (90 Days) This orange flesh, French cantaloupe is considered by many to be tastiest melon in the world & we won't argue with them. Always a favorite when melons are in season. This tender melon does not ship well making it a locally grown luxury - appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#ME23-Melon - Green Nutmeg Melon, (65-90 Days) Heavily netted, green fleshed, old heirloom muskmelon with great smell & flavor, appx. 10 seeds per request

#MEW1-Melon - Cal Sweet Watermelon, (90 Days) AAS winner as a compact growing melon, this striped melon reaches around 10lbs & has deep red flesh that is very sweet, about 10 seeds per request

#MEW2-Melon - Black Diamond Yellow Belly, (95 Days)Giant, up to 50lb melons with a dark rind that develops a yellow spot where it sits as it ripens, good storage potential, about 10 seeds per request

#MEW3-Melon - Kleckley's Sweet, (85 Days) A well reputed old time melon said to be one of the best for home gardeners, producing 25-35lb melons that have a thin green rind & crisp red flesh, about 10 seeds per request

#MEW4-Melon - Garrisonian, (85 Days) 35lb melons are nicely striped & have sweet pink flesh, about 8 seeds per request

#MEW5-Melon - Sweet Siberian, (85 Days) 10lb melons have dark green skin & very sweet light orange flesh, about 5 seeds per request

#MEW6-Melon - Golden Midget, (85 Days) Organic Seed, Petite 3lb melons are very unique, with a yellow rind & pink flesh, compact plants are suitable for containers, LIMITED! about 4 seeds per request

#MEW7-Melon - All Sweet, (90 Days) Beautifully striped 25lb melons have deep red flesh that lives up to it's name! about 6 seeds per request

#MEW13-Melon - Sweet Dakota Rose Watermelon, (82 Days) Organic, A red fleshed melon that produces 15-28 lb melons, even in northern climates. Crisp, juicy & stores a bit longer than other watermelons, LIMITED QUANTITY!! 3 seeds per request

#MEW14-Melon - Klondike Striped Blue Ribbon Watermelon, (85 Days) A classic watermelon that grows up to 30 lbs., well adapted to diverse climates, appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#MEW15-Melon - Orangeglo, (90 Days) Organic, Very crisp & juicy bright orange flesh will keep you reaching for another slice! 10-15lb fruits, LIMITED QUANTITY!! 3 seeds per request

#MEW16-Melon - Sugar Baby Watermelon, (80 days) The beloved picnic melon, dark green skin & brilliant, sweet flesh charactarize these family favorite, 8-10 lb melons, appx. 8-12 seeds sper request

#MEW17-Melon - Black Diamond Watermelon, (90 days) Black Diamond came out of Arkansas in the 1950's, this deep green rind & bright red flesh melon has been known to grow to 80lbs.!! Often used in breeding, limited availability! appx. 8-10 seeds per request

#MEW18-Melon - Florida Giant Watermelon, (90 days) Developed in the 1940's by Melville Dillon this attractive striped watermelon, also sometimes called "cannonball", grows 30-50 lbs & appears to be adaptable to almost any region - appx. 7 seeds per request

#MEW19-Melon - Dixie Queen Watermelon, (80 days) Light green rind contrasts with dark green stripes, classic heirloom melon from the 1930's is very popular in the south, 10-20 seeds per request

#MEW20-Melon - Crimson Sweet Watermelon, (80-90 Days) If I am stranded on an island with one watermelon, this is probably the one I want to have. We are always waiting for crimson sweets to come in season & so very happy when they do. Crisp deep pink flesh in a perfect striped melon that isn't afraid to grow to 25 lbs, appx 10 seeds per request

#MEW21-Melon - Greybelle, (80-90 days) 15-20lb melons with deep red flesh & light green "grey" rind, resistant to fusarium wilt & drought tolerant, about 7 seeds per request

#MEW23-Melon - Moon & Stars Watermelon, (95 Days) One of our favorite old time melons, introduced in 1924 & thought to have went extinct until it's rediscovery in 1981, dark green with yellow spots, ranging from 20 to more than 40 lbs!, appx 9 seeds per request

#MEW25-Melon - Moon & Stars Watermelon, Yellow Flesh (90 Days) The yellow fleshed versions of one of our favorite old time melons, dark green with yellow spots, ranging from 20 to 30 lbs, appx 6 seeds per request

#MEW26-Melon - Congo Watermelon, (95 Days) An amazingly sweet, red fleshed, giant watermelon, often producing melons in excess of 50 lbs. appx 10 seeds per request

#MEW27-Melon - Peacock Improved Watermelon, (88 Days) Striped green skin with sweet red flesh that sometimes blushes orange, size is around the 20lb range, appx. 12 seeds per request

#MEW28-Melon - Tendersweet Orange Watermelon, (90 days) Superb orange watermelon averging 30lbs in size on a fair year, limited availability! 5-8 seeds per request

#MEW29-Melon - Jubilee Watermelon, (90 Days) Striped green skin, long melons up to 40 lbs. with dark red flesh, appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#MG1-Morning Glory- Clark's Heavenly Blue, (115 Days) The classic blue morning glory. Vigourus sun loving vines love to grow over fences & give a bright show every morning. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#MG2-Morning Glory- Mixed Colors, (110 Days) A nice range of "traditional" morning glory colors, various shades of white, pink, blue, purple, with some bicolor. An attractive & vigorous vine, loved by pollinators, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#MI1-Mint- Peppermint, a naturally occurring hybrid between culinary spearmint and watermint, peppermint is a well loved confection flavor. Peppermint can be tenacious & must be kept in checked or planted in a location that it is free to take over. Mints don't always grow true to type from seed, so each plant may have a slightly different flavor. Limited availability! A small sample of these tiny seeds, extremely limited, list a substitute!

#MM-Marshmallow - (perennial) Organic Seed, The root of this medicinal herb was used to make ancient marshmallows. All parts of this plant contain mucilage, limited availability. Appx. 1/64+tsp (20-25 seeds) per request

#MOL-Molokhia (Egyptian Spinach) (60 Days) Molokhia is a heat loving plant that produces dark green leaves commonly used in soups & stews but also good for stir fries & even salad. Grows fast & easy to save seeds from! Appx. 1/64tsp (25 seeds) per request

#MUL-Mullein - Common Mullein, (biennial zones 3-8) Organic Seed, well known medicinal herb is used as a bronchial dilator, antitussive & supportive of mucous membranes. PLEASE NOTE: cannot ship to SD or WA states. Appx. 1/64tsp or 100+ tiny seeds per request

#MU1-Mustard - Early Mizuna, Vigorous Japanese Heirloom Mustard, with a mild sweet taste, appx. 1/8+tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#MU2-Mustard - Osaka Purple, (45 Days) Organic Seed, A zesty purple mustard, that grows hotter with hot temps, appx. 40 seeds per request

#MU3-Mustard - Red Giant, Organic Seed, Japanese Heirloom, with large purple tinted leaves & a true spicy mustard green taste, appx. 30 seeds per request

#MU4-Mustard - Kekkyu Takana (55 days) An exciting addition to our mustard selection! This tasty mustard is also called "wrapped heart", in recognition of the tight head that it forms, which is commonly used in pickles. This is also a great mustard for stir fries & salads. Small sample of some rather small seeds, appx. 1/32tsp or about 25 seeds per request

#MU5-Mustard - Yukina Savoy, Organic Seed, Tatsoi look-alike, only bigger, winter hardy, vigorous & tasty, limited! small sample

#MU6-Mustard - Ruby Streaks Mizuna, (45 days) red mizuna adds a splash of color with the mild mizuna taste. Limited availability, request MU1 if you want more seed

#MU7-Mustard - Southern Giant Curled, The classic southern mustard green. Appx. 1/8+tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#MU8-Mustard - Wasabina (40 days) Very spicy mustard from Japan has flavor & bite very similar to wasabi. A great addition for gardeners looking for some kick & a unique flavor, appx. 1/32tsp or about 30 seeds per request

#MU9-Mustard - Mibuna Mustard, (41 days) Japanese "strap" mustard is similar to mizuna but with smooth leaves & a bit of a wild yet mild mustard taste

#NIC1-Nicotiana - Only The Lonely, Organic, Also known as "Woodland Tobacco", however, these are not for smoking. Produces highly aromatic, tubular white flowers, grows larger than modern dwarf varieties, reaching 5' high. Originally from Argentina & offered commercially in the US in 1904 for a nickel a pack. Small sample of tiny seeds. Appx. 1/64tsp per request

#ONG1-Onion/Green - Evergreen Hardy White Scallions, A perennial white scallion also known as "Nebuka". Heirloom from Japan originated in the 1880's. Overwinter to get bunches of green onions that can be harvested or divided, appx. 1/8-1/4tsp (70-150 seeds) per request

#ONG2-Onion/Green - Purplette, (60 days) Can be harvested young for a green onion, with a purple pearl or allowed to mature for up to 2 inch purple globes with a nice green head. Appx. 1/16tsp (50 seeds) per request

#ONG3-Onion/Green - Deep Purple, (60 days) Striking red bottomed scallion type that will not disappoint, good bolt resistance. VERY LIMITED!! appx. 1/32+tsp or about 25 seeds per request

#ONG4-Onion/Green - Scarlet Bandit, (65 days) Another red bottomed scallion type, slightly slower than Deep Purple, a great choice for overwintering, appx. 1/16tsp or about 60 seeds per request

#ONG5-Onion/Green - Tokyo Long White Bunching Onion, (70-100 days) A great classic scallion type onion, appx. 1/8tsp or about 75 seeds per request

#ONG6-Onion/Green - Eclipse Onion, (60 days) White onion for bunching or pearl. A short day onion that produces pearl onions in long day areas. Best at 40 latitude or higher, appx. 1/4 tsp per request

#ONG7-Onion/Green - Crystal White Wax Pickling Onion, (95 days) "short day" variety, which means these are well suited for southern gardeners. Great scallions or pearl onions for pickling, appx. 1/16tsp or about 60 seeds per request

#ONR2-Onion/Red - Red Creole, (110 Days) Short day variety developed in 1962 by the Desert Seed Company in California. A spicy red onion with good storage potential. appx 40-50 seeds per request

#ONR3-Onion/Red - Rossa Lunga di Tropea, (110 Days) Well known Italian heirloom, is a red torpedo shaped sweet onion, LIMITED! appx 1/16tsp or about 40-50 seeds per request

#ONR4-Onion/Red - Red Long of Florence, (90 Days) More slender than Red Long of Tropea, very refined & uniform, pink & purple bulbs have excellent flavor. Limited availability! appx. 30 seeds per request

#ONR5-Onion/Red - Shonan Red, (160 Days) Intermediate day, crisp & sweet red onion that is great in salads & other raw uses, Limited availability! appx. 30 seeds per request

#ONR6-Onion/Red - Ruby, (100 Days) Long day, medium sized sweet red onions are great for fresh eating & also carmelize wonderfully, appx 1/16tsp or about 40-50 seeds per request

#ONR7-Onion/Red - Red grano, (112 Days) Short day, medium sized sweet red onions have a reasonable storage length, appx 1/16tsp or about 40-50 seeds per request

#ONS1-Onion/Shallot - Val-aux-Vents, (105 Days) A delicious golden French shallot with very sweet pink flesh VERY LIMITED!! appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#ONW1-Onion/White - Bianca Di Maggio, (80 Days) Long Day, A refined white, Italian cipollini onion. 2-3" bulbs are often harvested early with greens or braided upon maturity

#ONW2-Onion/White - Barletta, (65 Days) Short Day, An Italian Heirloom, this tiny white onion only grows to about 3/4", commonly used for pickled onions but also great for kabobs! LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 1/16tsp (40-50 seeds) per request

#ONW3-Onion/White - Sweet Spanish White, (120 Days) Long day onion can also be grown in intermediate day areas. Large & sweet with reasonable storage capabilities for a sweet onion. Comparable to yellow spanish but sweeter. Appx. 1/16tsp (50 seeds) per request

#ONW4-Onion/White - Early White Grano PRR, (110 Days) Intermediate/short day large vidalia type onion bred in Texas for it's resistance to pink root rot, Appx. 1/16tsp (50 seeds) per request

#ONY2-Onion/Yellow - Utah Sweet Spanish, (115 days) Long Day, up to 1 lb sweet onions with medium storage life. Appx. 1/16tsp (45 seeds) per request

#ONY3-Onion/Yellow - Borettana Cipollini Onion, (105 days) Short Day, This Italian heirloom is favored for braising & boiling, button shaped 3-4" wide flattened yellow onions store well. LIMITED!appx. 15-25 seeds per request

#ONY4-Onion/Yellow - Walla Walla Sweet Onion, (100 days) Long Day, Before Walla Walla these famous sweet onions came from French Corsica, limited availability! appx. 20 seeds per request

#ONY5-Onion/Yellow - Imai Early yellow, (150 days) Intermediate Day, cmoing in at a little over a 1/2lb, these yellow globes are sweet & crisp, great for overwintering in zones 5 & 6, LIMITED! appx. 20 seeds per request

#ONY7-Onion/Yellow - New York Early Storage Onion, (98 days) 38-50* latitude, Organic, A superior strain of Yellow Globe, Firm yellow onions will store until Spring, LIMITED!! appx 10-20 seeds per request

#OR1-Oregano - Greek Oregano, Perennial to zone 4, classic for Greek cooking, appx. 1/64tsp per request

#OR2-Oregano - Italian Oregano, Perennial to zone 5, this popular variety of oregano is widely used in a variety of cooking styles. Appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#ORA1-Orach - Ruby Red Orach, Organic seed, more of a magenta & an occasional all green plant. Ruby Red Orach is a great alternative to spinach, sometimes called mountain spinach or giant lamb's quarters. A succulent & colorful addition to any salad mix, seeds are somewhat limited, about 20-30 seeds per request

#ORA3-Orach - Red Fire Orach, this striking all red orach is a standout in the garden. This ancient food source also has seeds that can be used to make a naturla blue dye. A great alternative to spinach, sometimes called mountain spinach or giant lamb's quarters. A succulent & colorful addition to any salad mix, seeds are somewhat limited, about 20-30 seeds per request

#PA1-Parsley - Forest Green, (75 days) Double & triple curled parsley is compact & can be grown in containers, a deep green parsley with good weight that can be dried or used fresh appx. 1/8+tsp or about 100+ seeds per request

#PA2-Parsley - Hamburg Root Parsley, classic root parsley yields flat leaves roots up to 10", appx. 1/8th tsp, about 100 seeds per request

#PA3-Parsley - Dark Green Italian Flat Leaf Parsley, (72 days) strong flavor, classic Italian parsley is great fresh or for cooking, appx. 1/8th-1/4tsp, about 100-200 seeds per request

#PA4-Parsley - Triple Moss Curled Parsley, (70 days) Deeply curled dark leaves make a great garnish & add loft to any fresh dish, appx. 1/8tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#PA5-Parsley - Giant of Italy, (75 days) Classic Italian flat leaf parsley, this variety grows on nice upright stems & has superior flavor, appx. 1/8tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#PA6-Parsley - Evergreen, (70 days) AAS winner, this vigorous curled parsley is very coild hardy & good for any parsley uses, appx. 1/8tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#PA7-Parsley - Double Curled, (75 days) Upright, heat tolerant parsley allows for multiple cuttings without a loss in quality, appx. 1/8-1/4tsp per request

#PA10-Parsley - Arat Root Parsley, very easy to grow, it's a wonder why these sweet roots are not more widely available. Double the fun with leaves & roots! limited availability, appx. 1/64tsp or about 20-40 seeds, choose PA2 for more seed

#PAN1-Parsnip - Harris Model, (120 Days) A classic, sweet flavored parsnip that still delivers, appx. 1/2-1tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#PAN2-Parsnip - All American, (125 Days) Fine grained white flesh that is sweet flavor has gained a following over the years. Appx. 1/2tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#PEN-Pennyroyal - (perennial zones 4-9) The smell of Mt. Shasta, pennyroyal is a fragrant member of the mint family, commonly used as in insect repellent & said to have a myriad of other uses, but be careful if ingesting as pennyroyal can be toxic. We have very little of this seed to share & it is microscopic, expect a very small sample if you request this. appx. 1/64tsp or about 100+ seeds per request

Poppy - Poppy seeds generally require cold stratification to sprout, but for the little extra effort they produce beautiful blossoms, cherished the world over.
Grow a single variety & save pure seeds to share & keep these poppies going!You can also save pure seed by isolating these with timing or a distance of more than 500 ft.

#POP1-Poppy - Lilac Pompom, (Papaver somniferum) A light purple blossom that is fully fringed & fluffy, almost simiar to a bachelor button, very unique & fun poppy LIMITED! Small sample of small seeds, appx. 1/64tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#POP2-Poppy - Danish Flag, (Papaver somniferum) Danish Flag, or Danebrog, sports gorgeous 4" wide single blossoms that are white around the core & brilliant red towards the edges of it's fringed petals. A very pretty poppy. LIMITED! Small sample of small seeds, appx. 1/64tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#POP3-Poppy - Blue Moon, (Papaver somniferum) A rare poppy, it's 4 lilac petals have a brush of deep purple coming out from the base. A delicate & gorgeous addition to any garden. LIMITED! Small sample of small seeds, appx. 1/64tsp or about 50 seeds per request

Note: A lot of our hot peppers are 5 to 20 seeds per request.

#PPH1-Pepper/Hot - Anaheim Chile (78 Days) The pepper for Chile Rellenos & so much more. Got it's name being grown for a factory near Anaheim around 1900, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPH2-Pepper/Hot - Caribbean Yellow Habanero (110 days) One of the hottest Habaneros at around 450,000 scovilles! Thought to have originated in the Yucatan, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PPH3-Pepper/Hot - Long Red Narrow Cayenne (75 Days) Pre-1827 heirloom, classic long wrinkled hot peppers that ripen to bright red, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH4-Pepper/Hot - Serrano Tampiqueno (70-80 Days) hailing from Guanajuato Mexico this popular hot pepper is similar in appearance to Jalapeno, 2 inch long peppers have a nice range of heat & flavor, appx. 20 seeds per request

#PPH5-Pepper/Hot - Serrano (80 Days) this popular Mexican mountain hot pepper is similar in appearance to Jalapeno, 2 inch long peppers have a nice range of heat & flavor, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPH6-Pepper/Hot - Thick Cayenne (65-85 days) A thick walled cayenne, usually about 5-7 inches long, 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH7-Pepper/Hot - Early Jalapeno (75 Days) a familiar friend that packs the heat at 4000 to 6500 scovilles, appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH8-Pepper/Hot - Hungarian Hot Wax (58 days pale yellow/83 red) Sunset ripening yellow, orange to red make for gorgeous pickled peppers, about 10 seeds per request

#PPH9-Pepper/Hot - Red Habanero (90 day red) Famous, flavorful extra hot pepper, an extremely pugent Habanero with hints of ctirus, 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH10-Pepper/Hot - Fish (80 Days) Organic, A serrano pepper mutation dating back to the late 1800's. No joke at 5000 - 30,000 scovilles, appx. 5 seeds per request

#PPH11-Pepper/Hot - Birdseye Chili (120-140 Days) a spicy little pepper that has found a cross cultural appeal, appx. 5-8 seeds per request

#PPH12-Pepper/Hot - Fresno (90 day red) Similar in size, shape & heat to a jalapeno, but more pointed & with an upright growth. Ripens to a bright red. 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH13-Pepper/Hot - Numex Big Jim (70-100 days) These came out of New Mexico State University in the 1970's, a very large chile pepper of about 8-12", heat range is anywhere from mild to med/hot, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PPH14-Pepper/Hot - Padron (75 Days) A mild pepper, similar in shape to shishito, that also has a variation of heat. Unlike shishito, Padrons tend to get hotter as they ripen to red, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH15-Pepper/Hot - Purple Cayenne (75-85 Days) A classic cayenne with a rare twist. This striking purple pepper is a eye catching decorative plant as well as a good yielder, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH16-Pepper/Hot - TAM Jalapeño (65-80 days) Developed by Texas A&M, bred for heat, drought & disease resistance. More mild than other Jalapeno's make it great for fresh eating, appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH17-Pepper/Hot - Czech Black, Organic (65 Days) Black fruits ripen to a deep red. Looks a little like a jalapeno with slightly less heat, appx. 5 seeds per request

#PPH18-Pepper/Hot - Red Scotch Bonnet (95 days) Capsicum chinense, the famous habanero relative that brings the heat, along with a deep smoky flavor, 5-10 seeds per request

#PPH19-Pepper/Hot - Nu Mex Sandia (80 days) A smaller pepper than other Nu Mex types, Sandia is very similar to Anaheim but more consistently hot, a tasty & versatile little pepper bred in 1956 by Dr. Ray Harper, appx 10-15 seeds per request

#PPH20-Pepper/Hot - Nu Mex Joe E Parker (79 days) delicious & productive chile is not as hot as Sandia making it a great addition to dishes for those that like a little warmth but don't want to get burned. Mild enough to eat fresh, Well known as a productive & delicious pepper, appx 10-15 seeds per request

#PPH21-Pepper/Hot - Nu Mex Twilight (90 days) A decorative & spicy release from the New Mexico State University, good for containers, dozens of small chile ripen from purple, yellow, orange & red. appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH22-Pepper/Hot - Chile De Arbol (92 days) This chile has a rich smoky flavor but quite a bit of heat, at times reaching around 30,000 SHU. Look is slender, more like a cayenne than the traditional large chiles. 3-4 ft bushes are very productive. appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH23-Pepper/Hot - Tobasco (75-90 days) Named after the Mexican state near their place of origin in Central America, this world famous pepper registers at about 30,000-50,000 scovilles - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH24-Pepper/Hot - Biquinho Yellow (90-95 days) Highly productive plant yields an abundance of bright yellow, 1 inch peppers that look like an upside down water drop. With a tolerable heat level of about 500 to 1000 scovilles, this heirloom pepper can be enjoyed fresh or in any dish where a mild amount of spice is desired - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH25-Pepper/Hot - Pasilla Bajio (80-90 days) Commonly used in Mole, this flavorful heirloom pepper comes in at 1000-2500 SHU - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH26-Pepper/Hot - Habanero White (90-100 days) Said to be from Peru, this white Habanero has a nice fruity taste but extreme heat at 300,000 to 500,000 SHU - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH27-Pepper/Hot - Habanero Orange (90-100 days) Classic orange habanero is measuring in at 100,000 to 350,000 SHU - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH28-Pepper/Hot - Large Red Cherry Hot (90-100 days) The original Cherry Bomb! Dating back nearly 500 years this heirloom gets around! A great pickler at 3000-5000 SHU, tasty & productive over a long season - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH29-Pepper/Hot - Matchbox (75 days) Organic Seed, Hard earned, open pollinated selection of the hybrid "Super Chili", bred by Roberta Bailey, 2 inch long chilis are well adapted to a variety of climates & can be grown in containers, 30,000-50,000 SHU, LIMITED! - appx 5 seeds per request

#PPH30-Pepper/Hot - Santaka (75 days) Hailing from Tochigi prefecture in Japan, this small pepper is great for drying, high yielding & uniform, first offered commercially in 1955 - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH31-Pepper/Hot - Mushroom Yellow (95 days) bell shaped yellow peppers are about 1" long & about 1.5" wide at the "brim" are born on compact plants - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH32-Pepper/Hot - Bulgarian Carrot (70 days) Upright plant bears clusters of 2-3" bright orange "carrots", that when properly grown are both sweet & hot, very tasty & unique pepper was brought to the US in the 1970's - appx 10 seeds per request

#PPH33-Pepper/Hot - Poblano Ancho (75 Days) The classic chile with mild heat, it's enjoyable & complex flavor is oft featured in classic Mexican dishes & is excellent for roasting, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PPS1-Pepper/Sweet - Diamond Sweet (75 Days) Medium sized bell peppers are pale yellow, maturing into red in late season. Thick walled & sweet, a true delicacy - Appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS2-Pepper/Sweet - Pimento L (95 Days) Compact growth habit with some resistance to Tobacco Mosaic virus. Produces heart shaped red fruit up to about 5 inches, appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#PPS3-Pepper/Sweet - Golden Cal Wonder Bell Pepper (75 Days) Abundant producer of big blocky bell peppers that ripen to a deep gold. Appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#PPS4-Pepper/Sweet - Yolo Wonder L Bell Pepper (75 Days) Abundant producer of big blocky bell peppers that ripen to a deep red. Appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#PPS5-Pepper/Sweet - Purple Beauty Bell Pepper (75 Days) Stocky & vigorous producers of full sized bells that ripen green to red to purple, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PPS6-Pepper/Sweet - Shishito (60-80 Days) Organic Seed, The delicious Japanese pepper that is sweet & smoky with up to 10% of the peppers coming with a little bit of bite. A tasty & productive addition to any garden - Appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#PPS7-Pepper/Sweet - Tangerine Pimiento Pepper (85 Days) Ecologicaly Grown Seed, Beautiful bright Tangerine color with outstanding sweetness fresh or roasted, appx 5-6 seeds per request

#PPS8-Pepper/Sweet - Golden Greek Pepperoncini (85 Days) The classic sweet pepperoncini, can pull a little warmth if allowed to ripen to red. A favorite pickled pepper - Appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#PPS9-Pepper/Sweet - Emerald Giant (77 Days) Produced in 1963 & bred for size & productivity, but this high yeilding green traditional green pepper also boasts sweet taste, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS10-Pepper/Sweet - Sweet Banana (90 Days)Also known as yellow wax peppers, sweet & crunchy, tapered yellow fruits average about 4-6" long, 10-15 seeds per request

#PPS11-Pepper/Sweet - Red Cherry Sweet (85 Days) Sweet, 1.5" peppers turn from green to red & yield volumes of these delicious snacking peppers, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS12-Pepper/Sweet - Big Red (75 Days) Nice blocky classic red peppers, about 4" in size, thick walled & sweet red peppers great for home & market gardens, appx 10-20 seed per request

#PPS15-Pepper/Sweet - Klari Baby Cheese (65 Days) These round, appx. 3 inch peppers come from Hungary, this thick walled pepper is traditionally pickled but has outsatandoing fresh eating quality, which may explain it's alias "Golden Delicious Apple Pepper", VERY VERY LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 5-7 seeds per request

#PPS16-Pepper/Sweet - Cal Wonder 300 TMR (75-90 Days) The classic bell pepper in green to red, produces 3-4" blocky sweet peppers. appx. 20 seeds per request

#PPS17-Pepper/Sweet - Cal Rose Red Sweet (75-85 Days) A 4 lobed pimento type pepper, thick walled & very sweet, great for grilling or fresh eating. appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS18-Pepper/Sweet - Marconi Red Sweet (73 Days) Red version of the beautiful elongated Italian sweet pepper that grows fruit in excess of 10 inches! Wonderful, stuff & roast these peppers for a sweet treat that melts in your mouth, great for fresh eating as well, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS19-Pepper/Sweet - Aconcagua (95 Days) This elongated sweet pepper said to originate from Argentina yields beautiful, sweet, 2.5-10 inch peppers, You may want to stake this plant to help hold up it's heavy pepper set. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 5-7 seeds per request

#PPS20-Pepper/Sweet - Marconi Golden Sweet (80-90 Days) Yellow version of the beautiful elongated Italian sweet pepper that grows fruit in excess of 10 inches! Wonderful, stuff & roast these peppers for a sweet treat that melts in your mouth. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PPS21-Pepper/Sweet - Corno Di Toro Giallo Sweet (90-100 Days) This Italian heirloom named after it's shape, a bulls horn, is caught between the world of sweet & hot peppers, while not fully embracing either, but occasionally reaching 500 scovilles, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS22-Pepper/Sweet - Sweet Chocolate (60-85 Days) relatively early slightly elongated bell pepper, has thick sweet flesh that gets a chocolate tone on the outside & deep red on the inside when ripe, will set fruit in short season areas, released in 1965, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS23-Pepper/Sweet - White Cloud (70 Days) a nice blocky sweet bell pepper that grows white & ripens upt to an orange red, plants growing up to 3 ft tall are good for container gardening, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PPS24-Pepper/Sweet - Cheese (80 Days) Fabulously sweet, bright red, pimento style pepper that will get you eating in the garden. Thick walled & delicious, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PU1-Purslane - Golden Purslane, (50 Days) Said to have a myriad of health benefits, it's succulent leaves make a tangy addition to any salad, appx. 1/64+tsp or about 50-100 seeds per request

#RAD1-Radish - French Breakfast Radishes, red w/ white tips, favorite salad radish, has a mild taste & young plants can be eaten whole & add great color to salads

#RAD2-Radish - Easter Egg, a classic tri color mix of traditional radishes, appx. 30-40 seeds per request

#RAD3-Radish - Hailstone, (25 Days) an old time white radish that produces crisp, mildly spicey 1" roots, appx. 1/4+tsp or about 30-50 seds per request

#RAD4-Radish - Miyashige Green Neck Daikon, (60 Days) Traditional Fall harvest daikon sports a green to white faded root. Popular variety for pickling, not to be confused with the all white daikon of with the same first name (RAD5) VERY LIMITED!! appx. 20 seeds per request

#RAD6-Radish - Green Meat Daikon, (55 Days) Organic, An unusual miniature daikon that remains crisp with a subtle sweetness, VERY LIMITED!! appx. 10 seeds per request

#RAD7-Radish - Watermelon Winter Radishes, pink core Winter radish will store for months in a root cellar, appx. 1/4tsp or about 50 seeds

#RAD8-Radish - White Icicle Radishes, juicy & somewhat spicy Heirloom Summer radish, also known as Ladyfinger. Appx. 1/4tsp (60+ seeds) per request

#RAD9-Radish - Round Black Spanish Winter Radishes, very spicy Winter storage radish dates back to the 16th century conquistadors. Appx. 1/8+ tsp (30 seeds) per request

#RAD10-Radish - Red Daikon, (30-45 days) also known as Ostergruss Rosa, a very potent garden radish with white to rose flesh & red skin. Appx. 1/8+tsp or about 20 seeds per request

#RAD11-Radish - Crimson Giant, (45 days) 1-2" firm, red fleshed radish, rich flavor is not too mild, not too hot, also called Giant Globe Radish, Appx. 1/4tsp (60-80 seeds) per request

#RAD12-Radish - Pink Beauty, (25 days) Deep pink, classic globe radish grows 1-2 inches in diameter & offers both sweet & spicy to the pallette. Appx. 1/4tsp (80-100 seeds) per request

#RAD13-Radish - Long Scarlet Cincinnati, (30 days) Nice Red roots, going to about 6" deep with am inch or so in diameter. Appx. 1/4tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#RAD14-Radish - Lady Slipper, (28 days) Pink red oblong fruit with mild white flesh. Appx. 1/4tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#RAD15-Radish - Green Luobo Improved, (60 days) An elongated Chinese radish with good eating quality up to 10" long. A choice variety for pickled radishes, Luobo is sweet & will gain a more pungent taste the closer it gets to full sized, very limited! about 20 seeds per request

#RAD16-Radish - Tokinashi All Season, (55-65 days) Popular Daikon radish is slow to bolt, so can take some heat, earning it the "all season" name, however early spring or late summer is still the recommended planting time for this versatile radish, about 20-30 seeds per request

#RAD17-Radish - Misato Rose - Organic Seed, Winter Radish, Green Asian specialty for fermenting, long roots with white tips & green tops, limited! 10-20 seeds per request

#RAD18-Radish - Shunkyo Semi-long, (28 days) Bright pink, elongated radish around 5" long, hot & sweet make this Northern Chinese specialty radish very distinctive. Limited availability!! 10-20 seeds per request

#RAD19-Radish - Wakayama White Daikon, (60-70 days) From the Wakayama prefecture in Japan, this traditional all white daikon is very consistent with great crisp flesh & grows to about 14" long. We only have a few of these to share, about 15 seeds per request

#RAD20-Radish - Hong Vit, (20 days baby leaf) One of the most popular radish varieties for micro greens & baby leaf production. The whole plant is consumed for baby green with good leafs & small roots. Appx. 1/4 tsp per request

#RD1-Radicchio - Rouge De Verona, (80 Days) Elongated red heads look like a cross between red cabbage & romaine lettuce. Used for leaves & root. Appx. 1/8tsp (100-200 seeds) per request

#RI2-Rice - Yukimochi Rice, (105 Days) Sustainably grown, a lowland variety that can be grown without being in a paddy, but grows best in moist soils. Sweet, sticky, white rice, as it's name implies, perfect for making mochi. LIMITED AVAILABILTY!! appx. 10 seeds per

#RUT1-Rutabaga - American Purple Top, (90 Days) Purple with light yellow flesh, a classic old timey rutabaga. Appx. 1/4tsp (150-200 seeds) per request

#RUT2-Rutabaga - Laurentian, (93 Days) Striking purple tops with creamy yellow flesh, Appx. 1/8+tsp or about 100 seeds per request

#SAG1-Sage - Broadleaf Sage, Culinary classic, Perennial plants should be replaced every few years for best quality. Green Grey leaves are essential for almost any chef. 10-20 seeds per request

#SAG2-Sage - Extrakta Sage, (perennial) Has a high essential oil content culinary sage, great for drying, appx 15-25 seeds per request

#SAG4-Sage - White Sage, (perennial zones 7-12) Organic Seed, Sacred plant used for smudging, can actually reduce airborne bacteria in enclosed spaces when you burn it. Appx. 20-40 seeds per request, expect germination of about 25% on these

#SAG10-Sage - Blue Sage, (perennial zones 7-10) This decorative sage is a standout with crisp blue flowers on blues stems set above bright green foliage. A pollinator favorite with a lovely fragrance, about 20 very small seeds per request

#SALS-Salsify - Mammoth Sandwhich Island Salsify, also known as the oyster plant owing to the flavor of it's cooked roots. Both leaves & roots are edible. Expect about 50% germination. Appx. 20-30 seeds per request

#SAV1-Savory - Summer Savory, the sweet, soup essential. Appx. 1/64tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#SAV2-Savory - Compact Summer Savory, similar taste as classic summer savory with a more compact, upright growth habit, making it great for containers. Small sample of tiny seeds. Appx. 1/64tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#SHI1-Shiso - Green Shiso, aka "perilla", a strong tasting herb that is a favorite in Japanese cooking, appx. 1/16+tsp or about 30-40 seeds per request

#SHI2-Shiso - Red Shiso, the traditional herb to accompany umeboshi plums, appx. 1/64+ tsp (40-50 seeds) per request

#SHI3-Shiso - Korean Perilla, (70 days) green leaves have purple blushing on the underside, this green has a potent flavor that in certain Asian dishes appx. 1/16tsp or about 40-50 seeds per request

#SHU-Shungiku - Edible Chrysanthemum Greens & flower, a flavorful addition to sushi, salads & pickles, appx. 1/8th tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#SO1-Sorrel - Broad-Leaved Sorrel Perennial to zone 3, zesty lemony greens, great cooked or fresh, appx. 1/32 tsp or 50-100 seeds per request

#SO2-Sorrel - Red Veined Sorrel, Perennial to zone 3, zesty lemony greens, & striking color. Great cooked or fresh. Appx. 50-100 seeds per request

#SOG1-Sorghum - Texicoa Sorghum, (100 days) Organic Seed, drought resistant sorghum also known as Milo, this white seeded sorghum can be popped, made into a flour or even cooked as a grain. This strain is versatile & productive in a variety of environments. Small sample, appx. 30-40 seeds per request

#SPL2-Paracress - A bit different than Spilanthus Oleracea, paracress or Acmella Oleracea has yellow flower balls with a redish pink center, as opposed to many spilanthus varieties that are all yellow. It does still contain spilanthol, making it a valuable medicinal herb. Appx. 1/64tsp (30 seeds) per request

#STEV-Stevia - (100 days) The miracle plant that is used for it's remarkable sweetness as a sugar replacement. This is EXTREMELY LIMITED AVAILABILITY!!! appx. 5 small seeds per request. LIST A SUBSTITUTE, only a few of these to go around.

#STR1-Strawflower - Tall Double Mix (80 days) the favorite dried flower, in a large blossoms in a range of colors, beautiful in the garden but maintains it's beauty dried for years. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#STR2-Strawflower - Golden Yellow (80 days) Vibrant yellow strawflowers. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#STR3-Strawflower - White (80 days) All white strawflower with just a little yellow around the eyes. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#STR4-Strawflower - Monstrosum Fire Ball, 3ft+ plant gives 2-2.5" fully double blooms that are a vibrant red-orange Limited Availability! Appx. 1/64tsp (30-40 seeds) per request

#STR5-Strawflower - Silvery Rose (80 Days) Aptly named strawflower produces an abundance of bright white & rose pink blossoms, in a delicate but intense showing. SUPER LIMITED! Appx. 20 seeds per request

#STR6-Strawflower - Tom Thumb Mix (80 days) Dwarfing strawflower in the classic colors of white, yellow & various pinks. Appx. 1/32tsp (50 seeds) per request

#TAR1-Tarragon - Russian Tarragon, Perennial to zone 4, more mild than French Tarragon, often used as an ornamental flowering herb Appx. 1/64tsp (100 seeds) per request

#TH1-Thyme - English Thyme, Organic seed, Perennial to zone 4, attractive to pollinators, brings depth to your cooking as well as being used in some home remedies, appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#TH2-Thyme - German Thyme, hardy to zone 4, this creeping thyme has a variety of culinary uses. This attractive shrub is also use medicinally by some, appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#TH3-Thyme - Creeping Thyme, Perennial zones 3-10, creeping ground cover offers a sweet scent & purple, appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#TOB1-Tobacco - Huichol, (95 Days) Organic Seed, Nicotiana Langsdorffii, or Langsdorff's Tobacco, small leafed tobacco originating from Brazil is cultivated & used in ceremony by the Huichol people. Abundant yellow flowers are attractive to pollinators. About 20 or so microscopic seeds per request

Note: All tomato are 5 - 20 seeds per pack

#TOC1-Tomato - Red Pear, (77 Days) Indeterminate, 1-2" red pear shaped tomatoes are great for snacking, firm & crisp with a consistent sweetness, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#TO1-Tomato - Amish Paste, (85 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate, Wisconsin heirloom from Amish farmers dating back to around 1870 boasts big oxheart fruits with consistent flavor, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO2-Tomato - Aunt Ruby's German Green, (85 Days) Large Green Fruits with orange interiors, shockingly great flavor comes in this surpising package. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO3-Tomato - Japanese Black Trifele, (74 Days) Organic, 4-6 oz fruits with deep flavor, potato leafed indeterminate, harvest when shoulders are still green for the best flavor, LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO5-Tomato - Glacier, (56 Days) Organic Seed, potato leaf determinate, 1-2" red tomato ripens early. Originally from Sweden, this northern tomato is top of it's class for flavor, appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO6-Tomato - Sheboygan, (80 Days) Organic Seed, a very productive pink paste tomato with a classic roma shape, originally from the Baltic & surfaced in Sheboygan WI, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO7-Tomato - Green Zebra, (77 Days) Slicing tomato ripens green with yellow stripes, very enjoyable out of hand. Always a pleasure to grow, appx 10 seeds per request

#TO8-Tomato - Cherokee Green, (80 Days) Indeterminate, Organic Seed, an exciting newer selection from Cherokee purple, that produces 1/2 lb+ green/orange tomatoes with a rich flavor, making it one of the tops in taste for a green tomato. VERY LIMITED! 5 seeds per request

#TO9-Tomato - Golden Jubilee, (80 Days) Indeterminate slicing tomato, 8 oz. gold tomato won AAS in 1943

#TO10-Tomato - Black Brandywine, (80 Days) Indeterminate, Regular Leaf, a very flavorful slicing tomato, deep red with a brown/orange blush. Some blight resistance, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO11-Tomato - Valencia, (85 Days) Indeterminate, Maine family heirloom is a nice small midsize bright orange tomato great for fresh eating. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO12-Tomato - German Johnson, (80 Days) Organic Seed, Old heirloom is one of the parents of Mortgage Lifter. Produces abundant amounts of 1 lb pink tomatoes that are great for slicing, appx. 10 seeds per requestgsdorf

#TO13-Tomato - Dr. Wyche's Yellow, (75-90 Days) Indeterminate, Nice meaty yellow tomatoes come in a range of about 8-20 ounces each. Sweet yellow tomato is a great heirloom for slicing & eating out of hand - appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO14-Tomato - Orange Banana, (85 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate orange paste tomato of exceptional quality, also said to be a great choice for dried tomatoes, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO15-Tomato - Black Krim, (80 Days) Indeterminate, Organic Seed, "Smoky" flavored 12-18 oz tomatoes are best harvested while still a little green as they will get very soft if allowed to go fully purple. A delicious heirloom from Krymsk on the Black Sea in Russia, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO16-Tomato - Peacevine, (78 Days) Organic, Small fruited red tomato, rampant indeterminate produces countless clusters of sweet fruit. Originally selected from sweet 100, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO17-Tomato - Cherry Orange, (77 Days) produces nice clusters of bite sized orange cherry tomatoes, sweet & delicious! appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO18-Tomato - Pineapple, (85 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate, huge yellow fruits with red streaks, gorgeous color & wonderful taste with great balance, 5-10 seeds per request

#TO19-Tomato - Pink Brandywine, (82 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate potato leaf variety. Possibly the most famous heirloom of all. Specially selected to offer the best that the Brandywine variety has to offer, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO20-Tomato - Yellow Brandywine, (78 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate potato leaf variety. Rich flavor from these large, meaty yellow fruits. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO21-Tomato - Principe Borghese, (75 Days) Vigorous determinate small fruited red tomato. Praised by people who have gotten this seed from us in the past as a great yielder with fantastic taste

#TO22-Tomato - Gold Nugget, (60 Days) Yellow "cherry" tomato is decent sized, usually a lighter orange/yellow than sungold, easy to grow, long standing & tasty

#TO23-Tomato - Great White, (85 Days) Vigorous indeterminate vine produces large, 2lb fruits that are pale yellow, low acid & very sweet, LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO24-Tomato - Speckled Roman, (85 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate, this pointed roma type tomato is great for fresh eating & is very easy on the eyes with orange stripes over red. One of our favorites! LINTED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO25-Tomato - White Cherry, (59 Days) Indeterminate, Organic Seed, White Cherry Tomato is very sweet with a pale yellow green color, respectable sized cherry tomato, 5-10 seeds per request

#TO26-Tomato - Oregon Spring, (58 Days) Determinate classic red tomato stays relatively small at about 4", making them great for slicing & eating out of hand, fair disease resistance, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO27-Tomato - Yellow Pear, (77 Days) Indeterminate, 1-2" yellow pear shaped tomatoes are great for snacking & an eye catching addition to salads

#TO28-Tomato - Matt's Wild Cherry, (85 Days) Indeterminate, this bright red heirloom cherry tomato has origins tracing back to Hidalgo Mexico, where they grow wild. Full flavor cherry tomato. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO29-Tomato - Brandywine Red, (90-100 Days) Indeterminate, potato leaf, world famous beefsteak style tomato is well known & loved for it's remarkable flavor, this strain is resistant to early blight & is very uniform for a brandywine variety, more resistant to cracking than some of the darker varieties. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO30-Tomato - Patty's Striped Beefsteak, (85 Days) indeterminate, generally a bit smaller than striped marvel but with similar yellow/orange coloring, slightly darker than striped marvel. This is a great slicer with that sub acid sweetness that is so adored by fans of orange tomatoes. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO31-Tomato - Beefsteak Pink, (90 Days) Indeterminate, Light red/pink Amish heirloom that often grows to 2 lbs., delicious fresh but also known to be a good canner/saucer, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#TO32-Tomato - Tigerella, (65 Days) Classic heirloom tomato is known for great flavor & it's striking appearance, red with orange stripes, 4-6oz tomato is great for eating out of hand or slicing, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO33-Tomato - Beefsteak White, (85 Days) White beefsteak is a light yellow with some pale green tones. An unusual tomato that makes a fine slicer

#TO34-Tomato - Caribe, (85 Days) Determinate, Compact plants make this a good choice for containers. Producing bright red 8oz tomatoes that are easy ot grow & even easier to eat!

#TO35-Tomato - Juane Flamme, (75 Days) indeterminate, these glowing orange tomatoes are slightly bigger than a golfball & significantly more juicy;) One of our favorites of Summer, they never disappoint. Wonderfully sweet & vibrant flavor. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO36-Tomato - Super Sioux, (75 Days) semi-determinate, well suited for hot, dry climates, a thick walled, fresh eating tomato about 1/4 each. A clean looking little red tomato. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO37-Tomato - Hillbilly, (90 Days) semi-determinate, regular leaf Hillbilly has legendary flavor, a beefsteak type tomato that reaches up to 2 lbs. A low acid tomato hailing from West Virginia, sports orange & yellow flesh with blush red streaks. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO38-Tomato - Orange Queen, (70 Days) determinate, good for containers, grab one of these handy little snakers anytime for an easy to eat, sweet treat. Orange beefsteak tomatoes are small hand held delights in the 4-6oz range. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO39-Tomato - Cherry Bicolor, (78 Days) Indeterminate, German heirloom cherry tomato that is red & orange. This is a vigorous producer of sweet, 1-2" cherry tomatoes, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO40-Tomato - New Yorker, (65 Days) Determinate, Developed around 1912, this tomato produces crack resistant 4-6oz, round red tomatoes, classic tomato look & taste, compact & suitable for containers, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#TO41-Tomato - Amana Orange, (80 Days) Produces 2lb tomatoes that have a shape similar to Brandywine, but skin is glossy & bright orange, with sweet orange flesh, great for summer eating

#TO42-Tomato - Wisconsin 55, (80 Days) Indeterminate, Organic Seed, a historical selection developed in Madison Wisconsin in the 1940's, a good producer of 6-8oz red slicers, this quality strain is a well known powerhouse, both for fresh eating & canning. VERY LIMITED! 5 seeds per request

#TO43-Tomato - Moskvich, (70 Days) Indeterminate, a gorgeous & juicy deep red slicer of medium size is blight resistant & very flavorful. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO44-Tomato - Washington Cherry, (60 Days) determinate, Organic Seed, developed by Washington State University. A very flavorful, thick walled, prolific, deep red cherry tomato. VERY LIMITED! 5 seeds per request

#TO45-Tomato - Burgundy Traveler, (80 Days) Indeterminate, 6-12oz. bright red tomatoes are very clean & uniform with that classic red tomato look. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO46-Tomato - San Marzano Paste, (80-90 Days) indeterminate, Italian paste tomato is very well known & well regarded. - appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO47-Tomato - San Marzano Paste, (80-90 Days) determinate, Organic Seed, the determinate bush variety of the classic Italian paste tomato - appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO48-Tomato - Tiffen Mennonite, (86 Days) Organic Seed, indeterminate, Wisconsin Mennonites are credited with this potato leaf variety that is similar to & rivals Brandywine. It takes a little longer & grows a litter bigger than brandywine. Well worth a try if you love that old fashioned tomato taste. appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO49-Tomato - Plum Lemon, (85 Days) indeterminate, A joyous, bright yellow salad tomato, about 2x3" with a pointed tip & 2 cavities hailing from St. Petersburg Russia, brought to the states by Kent Whealy. Appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO50-Tomato - Prudens Purple, (85 Days) indeterminate, potato leaf, a deep purplish red, flavorful, meaty heirloom, more crack resistant than Brandywine, with a similar artisanal quality & size up to 1 lb each. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO51-Tomato - Banana Legs, (75 Days) determinate, elongated cherry tomato, about 4" long, deep, distinctly yellow salad tomato is a meaty, low acid treat. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO52-Tomato - Fox Cherry, (56 Days) potato leaf indeterminate, solid, bright red cherry tomato. No shortage of curb appeal with this good looking cherry tomato, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO53-Tomato - Rutgers, (56 Days) Organic Seed, determinate, developed in 1934 by Rutgers University in cooperation with Campbells Soup, this tomato produces bright red, round fruits, up to 1/2 lb each. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#TO54-Tomato - Marvel Stripe, (56 Days) indeterminate, beefy, 12 oz tomato is orange & yellow striped with a little pink at the blossom end. Very attractive heirloom with mild flavor associated with low acid tomatoes. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO55-Tomato - Clear Pink, (56 Days) determinate, a very productive plant that grows to just under 3ft & yields delicious pink/red, vibrant tomatoes, on the smaller side, coming in at about 5oz each. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO56-Tomato - Sparks, (80-90 Days) indeterminate potato leaf, a consistent producer of bright yellow 3 inch beefsteak type tomatoes. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO57-Tomato - Giant Belgium, (85-95 Days) indeterminate, An old heirloom dating back 150+ years to the pioneer days. Giant Belgium is a very large yellow tomato, with a sweet low acid taste. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO58-Tomato - Chadwick Cherry, (70-90 Days) indeterminate, Chadwick is a crack resistant, larger red cherry tomato, producing abundant clusters of 1-2 oz. tomatoes. Plan on a full sized trellis for the 8-10 ft tall vigorous vines appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO59-Tomato - Rosso Sicilian, (70-90 Days) determinate, very interesting sauce tomato coming in around 6 oz. & it's shape resembles a pimento pepper, flattish & deeply lobed. When sliced it typically reveals a cavity around the heart. A gorgeous & meaty sauce tomato with classic red tomato color. LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO60-Tomato - Purple Calabash, (80-90 Days) indeterminate, High yielding heirloom produces medium sized fruits. Purple/red with some chocolate blushing when ripe. Tasty & extremely productive. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO61-Tomato - Striped German, (80-90 Days) indeterminate, Giant tomatoes often exceed 2 lbs. Orange red yellow striped heirloom is delicious as it is beautiful - appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO62-Tomato - Oaxacan Jewel, (85-95 Days) indeterminate potato leaf, A true jewel, deep reds with bright orange stripes, similar shape to brandywine & the flavor to compare - appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO63-Tomato - Big Rainbow, (85-90 Days) indeterminate, Gold & red bicolor slicer has excellent eating quality & disease resistance. No slacker, with delicious tomatoes weighing in at up to 2 lbs., originally coming from Polk County Minnesota - appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO64-Tomato - Sweetie, (85-90 Days) indeterminate, this super sweet red cherry tomato is also super productive. Does well in a variety of environments, including planter boxes, pots, etc. - appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#TO65-Tomato - Giallo De Summer, (85 Days) indeterminate, yellow beefsteak type tomato that doesn't mind the heat of Summer. Producing flavorful fruits that are around 1/2 lb. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO66-Tomato - Atkinson, (70 Days) indeterminate, a nice red cottage tomato developed by Auburn University in the 60's, grows in a range from small to medium sized, heavy yielder on tall vines that can handle high humidity. Appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO67-Tomato - Red Russian, (75 Days) indeterminate, medium sized, clean, classic red globe tomato that doesn't mind cooler weather, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO68-Tomato - Oaxacan Pink, (70-80 Days) indeterminate, meaty red tomatoes are very sweet & juicy. Irregular shape tomatoes up to 1lb have a rustic look, that seems to cry out, "I taste good!" appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO69-Tomato - Yellow Perfection, (80 Days) Organic Seed, potato leaf yellow tomatoes are low acid & delicious, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO70-Tomato - Weisnicht's Ukranian, (85 Days) Organic Seed, A big beefy red tomato on potato leaf foliage, a sumptuous & juicy tomato won the 2015 MA tomato contest in Boston for best heirloom, LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#TO71-Tomato - Micado Violetter, (85-100 Days) Organic Seed, Indeterminate, Potato Leaf, sweet red Australian heirloom that is resistant to cracks & has that delicious flavor that seems to follow the potato leafs, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#TO72-Tomato - Black Prince, (76 Days) Indeterminate, A popular Russian heirloom, Small slicing tomato that has dark red, nearly black tones, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO73-Tomato - Mortgage Lifter, (85-90 Days) Indeterminate, Depression era crop made famous when M.C. Byles paid off his mortgage with it, a classic red beefsteak tomato, with classic tomato taste, appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO74-Tomato - Homestead, (80 Days) semi-determinate plant produces 8-10 oz tomatoes that are bright red & meaty. A great all purpose round tomato. Known to fruit in a variety of conditions, homestead is a good bet for the home gardener. appx. 10 seeds per request

#TO75-Tomato - Pink Thai Egg, (68 Days) Determinate, High yields of 1 oz, reddish pink tomatoes, compact plant that is great for container gardening. About 10 seeds per request

#TOT1-Tomatillo - Toma Verde, (60 Days) Classic, early green tomatillo. Very vigorous grower for us, 10-20 seeds per request

#TOT3-Tomatillo - De Milpa, (70 Days) Organic seed, This purple tomatillo has a low moisture content making them ideal for longer storage. Limited availability! appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#TRI4-Trichocereus - Trichocereus Peruvianus, Huancabamba Peru origin. Fast growing columnar cactus. Also known as Peruvian Torch. Please be aware that if you request these seeds they require up to 1 month to germinate & up to a year to be large enough to pot. (appx. 10-20 seeds per request)

#TRI5-Trichocereus - Trichocereus Pachanoi, open pollinated, possibly crossed with T. Tersheckii. Fast growing columnar cactus. Also known as San Pedro. Please be aware that if you request these seeds they require up to 1 month to germinate & up to a year to be large enough to pot. (appx. 20-50 seeds per request)

#TUR1-Turnip - Gold Ball Turnip, Record of this heirloom goes back to at least 1854 & it is said to be one of the best turnips, has great storge potential. Appx. 1/8tsp (100 seeds) per request

#TUR2-Turnip - Purple Top White Globe Turnip, probably the most widely grown turnip in North America, it is a high yeilder & a good looker with great eating quality. Not quite as sweet as some of the all whites, but a delicious & reliable producer.

#TUR3-Turnip - White Egg, an all white heirloom turnip that was very common in the 18th century. This sweet turnip is so mild it can be eaten fresh. Appx. 1/8tsp (100 seeds) per request

#TUR4-Turnip - Seven Top, Commonly grown for it's abundant dark green leaves, the roots are not choice in comparison to other turnips but can be eaten when small.

#TUR5-Turnip - Shogoin, Clean white roots & mild taste in both tops & roots of this delicious sweet turnip. Appx. 1/8tsp (100 seeds) per request

#TUR6-Turnip - Namenia, great variety for growing greens, allows for multiple cuttings of flavorful leaves, Appx. 1/8tsp (100 seeds) per request

#TUR7-Turnip - Snowball, (45 days) pure white turnips are completely bitterfree, sweet & tasty, Appx. 1/8tsp (100 seeds) per request

#TUR8-Turnip - Red round, (50 days) Red globes with white flesh are sweet & delicious, sporting red veined greens, make this Japanese turnip is a standout in the turnip crowd, LIMITED!!! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 20 seeds per request

#TUR9-Turnip - Kanamachi, (40 days) Pure white, slightly flattened globes are considered one of the tastiest of Japanese heirloom turnips, LIMITED!!! Appx. 1/32tsp or about 20 seeds per request

#VAL-Valerian - Valeriana Officinalis, hardy perennial herb with centuries old traditional use in medicine. The "mellow" herb whose active ingredient is still widely used as a relaxant in pharmacopia. Easy to grow perennial, small sample, save your seeds!! Appx. 1/64tsp (15-30 seeds) per request

#VER-Verbena - Purple Top Verbena (90 days) Perennial to zone 7, this is a high growing flower (3-4ft), vibrant purple flowers are often used in cut flower arrangements, very pollinator friendly. Small sample of tiny seeds. Appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#VI1-Viola - Johnny Jump Up Helen Mount, timeless favorite with edible tricolor blossoms of purple, yellow & white. Perennial zones 3-9. Appx. 1/64tsp (40-60 seeds) per request

#VI2-Viola - Swiss Giants Silverbride, (perennial zones 5-9) Large flowered pansy is standout with small yellow centers & petals in various deep purple shades, rimmed with bright white, just beautiful! LIMITED! About 20-30 seeds per request

#YA1-Yarrow - White Yarrow, very hardy perennial known for it's medicinal value. A classic flower loved by pollinators. Appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#YA2-Yarrow - Golden Yarrow, very hardy perennial known for it's medicinal value. Yellow Version of the classic flower, loved by pollinators. Appx. 1/64tsp (100+ seeds) per request

#ZI1-Zinnia - Cactus Bright Jewel Mix, (75 Days) A beautiful & easy to grow flower, abundant large blooms in pink, orange, scarlet, & yellow. Appx. 1/2tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#ZI2-Zinnia - State Fair Mix Zinnia, Old fashioned Zinnia grows to about 30" tall with large single & double blossoms in a variety of vibrant colors include pink, orange, purple, magenta, lavender & red, appx. 1/4 tsp (50 seeds) per request

#ZI3-Zinnia - Under The Sea, great zinnia grows to about 3ft, a great cut flower bearing beautiful & uniform blossoms of pure white, salmon & fuschia, in a classic zinnia style, LIMITED! about 30 seds per request

#ZI4-Zinnia - Thumbelina Mix Zinnia, This popular dwarf zinnia variety is one of our favorites to grow & enjoy. A nice mix of colors that will keep you & the butterflies happy. EXTREMELY LIMITED!!Appx. 30-40 seeds per request

#ZI5-Zinnia - California Giant Mix (55 days) Dating to 1927, this zinnia is always a pleaser with 4-5" double blossoms in a nice range of classic zinnia colors. Appx. 1/2tsp (50 seeds) per request

#ZI6-Zinnia - Lilliput Mix Zinnia, one of our favorite zinnia, semi-dwarf habit produces extremely full blossoms. Classic zinnia colors include pink, orange, purple, magenta, lavender & red, appx. 1/4tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#ZI7-Zinnia - Gold Medal Mix Zinnia, a classic zinnia color blend in well filled out semi-double blooms, a beautiful classic zinnia that grows to about 3-1/2ft tall. Appx. 1/2tsp or about 50 seeds per request

#ZI8-Zinnia - Peppermint Stick (55-70 days) A very cool zinnia! Petals are white tipped with red centers creating a candy striped effect. LIMITED! appx. 1/4+tsp or about 25 seeds per request

#ZI9-Zinnia - Chippendale Daisy (70-80 days) Zinnia Haageana, Bicolor single blooms go from bright yellow at the tips fading in to deep orange at the center. An exciting & unique zinnia that offers a lively addition to any garden. LIMITED! appx. 1/8tsp or about 30-40 seeds per request

#ZI10-Zinnia - Persian Carpet (75-85 days) Zinnia Haageana, similar to chippendale but blossoms are not single like daisies but layered, more like a common zinnia, blooms go from bright yellow at the tips fading in to deep orange at the center. Very adaptable & hardy, will flower right up to the first frost, aka Mexican Zinnia, appx. 1/4tsp or about 40 seeds per request

#ZI11-Zinnia - Illumination (75-85 days) Zinnia Elegans, layers of glowing light pink petals & large blooms are a real mood lifter, LIMITED!! about 20 seeds per request

#ZI12-Zinnia - Swirls Mixed (75 days) Zinnia Elegans, a fabulous & full double.semi double zinnia in a wide range of colors, with striking bicolor petals of red & white, fuschia & pink, red & yellow. A very eclectic zinnia selection, LIMITED!! about 20 seeds per request

NOTE: THE FOLLOWING SEEDS ARE TOO BULKY TO BE SHIPPED IN A STANDARD ENVELOPE & REQUIRE PARCEL SHIPPING OR IN PERSON PICK-UP. (Even 1 bean costs us at least $4 to ship) Donations of $10 or more cover parcel shipping & expenses for any 15 varieties of seed on the site. PLEASE! list your selections from both lists in a single alphabetized list, just like on our example, in the instructions, below this list.

CLICK HERE if you are requesting seeds to be sent outside of the US.

Our "Oversized" seed list -

#BAR-Common Barley Organic, Barley is a staple grain with many uses. Considered a sensitive plant, successful growers will have paid close attention to crop rotation, appx. 1/2 - 1 tbsp per request

Bean - Common beans are perfectly self pollinating! Which means you can grow & save pure seed from many diffesrent varieties, while only providing isolation of about 20 feet between varieties

Beans - Bush/Fresh This group of beans grows with a dominant bush habit & are widely used for fresh eating

#BNB1-Bean - Strike, (53 days) High yielding classic white seeded green bean, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BNB2-Bean - Provider Bush Bean, (50 days) This green bean germinates in cool soils making it the earliest to market. Nice, meaty, round podded green bean, appx. 10-20 seeds

#BNB3-Bean - Tavera, Bush Filet Bean, (54 days) Organic Seed, medium sized plants producing "extra fine" filet beans of excellent eating quality, some disease resistance but not as hardy as Tobago. Excellent green filet bean. appx. 12 seeds per request

#BNB4-Bean - Tobago, Bush Filet Bean, (54 days) Very refined, uniform growing & high yielding, green filet bean. appx. 10 seeds per request

#BNB5-Bean - Celine, Bush Wax/Filet Bean, (55 days) Organic Seed, Very unique lavender wax filet bean. This bean has a lot going for it!! Purple on the outside & yellow inside. Very tasty & eye catching. This is a "plant variety protected" seed, so seeds saved from this may be grown but you can't legally sell them while the patent is active. appx. 8 seeds per request

#BNB6-Bean - Bamako, (54 days) Yellow filet bean produces straight 4-5" delicate pods with excellent eating quality, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BNB7-Bean - Rocdor, (52 days) Organic Seed, full sized black seeded yellow bush bean produces pods about 6-7", appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BNB8-Bean - Dulcina, (52 days) Smooth green pods are flat & bear white seeds. A tender & uniform, modern OP Italian flat bean, PVP, seed grown from this can not legally be resold while the PVP is active. appx. 10 seeds per request

#BNB9-Bean - Compass, Bush Filet Bean, (54 days) A longer filet bean than the next 2 on our list, coming in at 6" a very thin, green filet bean with great flavor & medium disease resistance. appx. 8 seeds per request

#BNB10-Bean - Capitano Bush Bean, (52 days) Very nice pale yellow flat pods are flavorful, uniform pods borne on upright plants, appx. 10 seeds per request

#BNB11-Bean - Goldilocks Bush Bean, (52 days) Bright yellow pods that are straight & flavorful with good disease resistance, 10-15 seeds per request

#BNB12-Bean - Golden Butterwax Bush Bean, (56 days) Organic Seed, Nice straight yellow pods with white seed, great bean flavor, intorduced in 1978, appx. 10-20 seeds

#BNB13-Bean - Red Tail Bush Bean, (58 days) Organic Seed, while not an heirloom, this new introduction could well be around for a while, we will see if it's productivity & resilience can stand the test of time, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BNB14-Bean - Amethyst Bush Bean, (56 days) Extra fancy purple bean, upright plants have a high resistance to bean mosaic virus, appx. 10 seeds per request

#BNB15-Bean - Affirmed, Bush Snap Bean, (56 days) Produces an abundance of classic green beans. Upright plants have excellent disease resistance, uniformity & productivity, making this a great choice if you are growing just one green bean, appx. 12 seeds per request

#BNB16-Bean - Velour Bush Haricot Vert, (58 days) A bounty of purple filet beans await the lucky planter of this delicious bean. appx. 10 seeds per request

#BNB17-Bean - Greencrop Bush Bean, (53 days) early flat-podded Romano type, adapted to the North. 1957 AAS winner, with large, sweet green pods, 10-20 seeds per request

#BNB18-Bean - Jade Bush Bean, Organic (55 days) Good producer of 5-7" deep green pods that are known for holding their fine quality. Resistant to BBS, CBMV, NY15, CTV, tolerant to R. 10-20 seeds per request

#BNB19-Bean - Gold Rush, yellow bush wax bean, Organic (54 days) high yield & excellent flavor, stringless yellow pods, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BNB20-Bean - Cherokee Black Seed, yellow bush wax bean, (50-58 days) A yellow podded wax bean yields black beans when mature. Wax pods are great for fresh eating & plant is disease resistant as well as heat tolerant, appx. 15-20 seeds per request

#BNB21-Bean - Roma II, Bush Green Bean, (59 days) A true flat bush Romano. Easy to pick clusters on an upright bush. Resistant to CBMV, NY15, appx. 12-18 seeds per request

#BNB22-Bean - Blue Lake 274 Bush Bean (50-70 days) The classic green string bean with a bush habit growth makes this an excellent choice for gardeners just starting out - appx. 15-20 seeds per request

#BNB23-Bean - Dragon Langerie, Bush Wax Bean, (57 days) Sweet creamy yellow pods with purple stripes. 19th century heirloom from the Netherlands. appx. 12 seeds per request

#BNB24-Bean - Royal Burgundy Bush Bean, (55 days) Organic Seed, Meaty 5" purple pods, grows well even in cold conditions. Resistant to CBMV, NY 15, PM, appx. 10-15 seed per request

Beans - Dry Most of these beans have a bush habit & are preferred for drying & storage

#BND1-Bean - Kenearly Yellow Eye, (89 days) Medium sized dry beans are cream colored with a yellow eye, classic variety for Maine "Bean Hole Suppers" appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BND2-Bean - Vermont Cranberry, (70-95 days) A traditional dry red bean with speckles can be traced back to the 1700's & was most likely descened from a variety grown by Native Americans pre-colonization. Reliable & easy to shell, bush habit that occasionally trails out, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BND3-Bean - Calypso, (90 days) Organic Seed, Also called "Orca" or "Yin Yang", striking black & white beans are unique & have a similar eating quality to yellow eye, appx. 10 seeds per request

#BND4-Bean - Flambo, (75 days shell, 90 days dry) Good dual purpose fresh eating shell bean or dry bean, red mottled pods give way to white & pink speckled beans, bush habit, appx. 10 seeds per request

#BND5Bean - Soldier, Dry Bean, (89 days) A well known drought tolerant heirloom, this white kidney bean has a red spot on it's eye that looks like a toy soldier. Also called "Red Eye". A great addition to any garden - appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BND6-Bean - Dwarf Horticulture Taylor Shell Bean, (68 days) Also known as Cranberry, this shell bean has been in the US since colonial times, flavorful & smooth with burgundy red & tan contrast, appx. 10 seeds per request

#BND7-Bean - Flagrano, (76/96 days shell/dry) Bush, French flageolet beans, produces 8-10 mint green beans per pod, that are very easy to shell as well as flavorful & delicious. appx. 12-15 seeds per request

Beans - Pole/Fresh This group of beans grows with a dominant climbing habit & are widely used for fresh eating

#BNP1-Bean - Kentucky Wonder Brown Pole Bean (55 days) Rather large light green pods on a vigorous vine, 10-20 seeds per request

#BNP2-Bean - Scarlet Runner Bean, (70 days) The old heirloom classic can be eaten as a snap or shell bean, but is commonly grown solely for it's striking red blossoms. Pollinators love it, Scarlet Runner Beans are Phaseolus coccineus & will not cross with common beans, appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNP6-Bean - Golden Gate Pole, (60 days) Organic Seed, A gorgeous Romano type yellow bean. Remains stringless up to 10"!! A delicous, creamy, flat podded bean that turns bright yellow close to maturity. We are so very pleased to have this back. We have not offered this seed since the first year we started giving away seeds. VERY LIMITED! appx. 4 seeds per request

#BNP7-Bean - Northeaster Pole, (72 days) Organic Seed, early ripening long, flat green pods that hold their tenderness, bears white seeds, aka "Kwintus". About 6 seeds per request

#BNP8-Bean - Blue Coco, Pole Bean, (72 days) Organic Seed, Pre-1775 French Heirloom produces bluish-purple pods with chocolate seeds. Can be used as filet, snap, shell or dry beans. 5 seeds per request

#BNP9-Bean - Rattlesnake, Pole Bean, (70 days) Green pods with purple stripes that are delicious fresh. Good yielder, appx. 10 seeds per request

#BNP12-Bean - Seychelles, Pole Bean, (55 days) Organic Seed, 2017 AAS winner produces ridiculous amounts of stringless round podded green beans. appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#BNP14-Bean - Marvel of Venice Pole Bean, (56 days) Heirloom Italian wax bean, produces 8-9" flat creamy yellow pods on vigorous vines. White seeded variety, Limited availability! appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNF1-Fava Bean - Broad Windsor Fava Bean, (85 days) Creamy & nutty fava bean commonly grown as a cover crop for it's resorative properties, a great nitrogen fixer, 5 seeds per request

#BNG1-Garbanzo Bean - Garbanzo Bean, (100 days) Organic Seed, A great cover crop for breaking up tough soils & is also a nitrogen fixer. In addition to all it's traditional uses as a chickpea, garbanzo beans also make a great sprouted vegetable. appx. 20 seeds per request

#BNG2-Garbanzo Bean - Black Garbanzo Bean, (100 days) Organic, A great cover crop for breaking up tough soils & is also a nitrogen fixer. In addition to all it's traditional uses as a chickpea, black garbanzo beans are also used commonly as a sprouted vegetable. appx. 20 seeds per request

#BNL2-Bean, Lima - King of the Garden, (106 days) Extremely vigorous pole Lima that can grow to 10 ft. tall! Developed in 1883, also known as Henderson's Leviathan, appx. 5-10 seeds per request

#BNL3-Bean, Lima - Jackson Wonder, (103 days) This cold hardy & productive bush Lima was introduced in 1888 by Atlanta farmer Thomas Jackson, appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNS1-Bean, Soybean - Karikachi, (85 days) Indeterminate Soybean yields heavily over a long period, with strong resistance to lodging. Great edamame bean that averages 3 seeds per pod. Appx. 6-7 seeds per request

#BNS2-Bean, Soybean - Shirofumi, (91 days) Organic Seed, Vigorous thigh high vines produce concentrated sets averaging 2 soybeans per pod, about 5 seeds per request

#BNS3-Bean, Soybean - Chiba Green, (82 days) Organic, 3 beans per pod, plump & juicy pods on this vogorous determinate plant. Shows a white pubescence. Appx. 6 seeds per request

Beans - Pole/Yard Long Widely used for fresh eating, yard long beans have a climbing habit & should be trellised

#BNY1-Bean - Oriental Yard Long Pole Bean, (85 days) Growing up to 3 feet long! These green beans are amazing & thrive from zones 3-9, be sure to trellis! appx. 10 seed per request

#BNY2-Bean - Dark Green Yard Long Pole Bean, (70 days) Not quite yard long but these impressive beans maintain eating quality up to 20 inches. Dark Green produces stringless round beans with good crunch. Appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNY3-Bean - Purple Mart Tsu Yard Long Pole Bean, (75-80 days) 20" long stringless dark purple beans turn black when cooked. A very nice edition to our yard long selection, be sure to trellis! VERY LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNY4-Bean - Yu Long Noodle Kin Yard Long Bean, (65-75 days) Growing up to 3 feet long! Vigorous & highly productive. These green beans are amazing & thrive in warm weather, be sure to trellis! appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNY5-Bean, Yard Long - Python, (80 days) Perhaps should be called, "half yard" beans. Coming in at around 20 inches, these slender green beans are not skinny on flavor, sweet on stringless, LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#BNY6-Bean - Red Noodle Yard Long Bean (90 days) 14-18" deep red pods are great in stir fries, LIMITED AVAILABILITY! 3 seeds per request

#BOR-Borage - Borage, (55 Days) Edible blue & sometimes pink flowers make a great garnish & have a mild cucumber taste. Great for pollinators. Seed is a valuable source of GLA. (avg. 25 seeds/pack)

#BT1-Beet - Bull's Blood, prized for it's brilliant red leaf production, this classic red beet dates back to the 1800's, appx. 1/2tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#BT2-Beet - Chioggia, red & white concentric stripes make this Italian Heirloom a distinguishable favorite! appx. 1/2tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#BT3-Beet - Cylindra, long red beets

#BT4-Beet - Detroit Dark Red Short Top, (60 Days) Introduced in 1892 & still the standard for home gardeners. A classic uniform red beet, appx. 1/2tsp or about 50+ seeds per request

#BT5-Beet - Early Wonder Tall Top, (48 Days) Introduced in 1911, this classic red beet is known for good cold soil emergence, appx. 1/2tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#BT6-Beet - Golden Grex, (54 Days) Organic seed, A beautiful & huge deep orange beet that sometimes has concentric rings of red & yellow when sliced, VERY LIMITED!! About 10-20 seeds per request

#BT7-Beet - Detroit Dark Red, (55 Days) 2-3" deep red globes are tender & sweet> this classic American beet was intorduced by D.M. Ferry Seed Company in 1892, appx. 1/2tsp or 50+ seeds per request

#BT8-Beet - Lutz Green Leaf, (70 days) great leaf production & & long standing storage root. Red beets up to 6" in diameter, also known as Winterkeeper. Appx. 1/4-1/2tsp (50-100 seeds) per request

#BT9-Beet - Detroit Golden, (58 days) A lovely Golden Beet, best harvested at 1-3" for superior taste, appx. 25 seeds per request

#BT11-Beet - Crosby Egyptian Beet, (60 days) Organic seed, Introduced in 1885, this well selected old strain produces vibrant red beets

#BT12-Beet - Avalanche, (55 days) AAS winner! All white beet, with a mild, sweet flavor, produces nice sized roots & healthy tops. 20-30 seeds per request

#BT14-Beet - Ruby Queen, (52 days) a uniform, short top beet that thrives in a variety of soils. Nice round beets with solid color

#BT15-Beet - Detroit White, (55 days) High sugar content, these white beets can be made into syrup, appx. 20-25 seeds per request

#BT16-Beet - Red Mammoth Mangel, (100 days) top choice for giant fodder beets. You may need a crane to excavate these monsters from the ground!!;)

#BU1-Buckwheat - Common Buckwheat, Organic, food grain, animal feed & excellent cover crop, makes calcium & phosphorous available for the next crop

#CAL1-Calendula - Alpha, (55 Days) Organic Seed, Bright orange blossoms with a high resin content for medicinal use, appx 10-15 seeds per request

#CAL2-Calendula - Pacific Beauty, (95 Days) Stocky bush 15-18 inches high grows robust 3-4 inch orange/yellow blossoms - appx. 20-40 seeds per request

#CAL3-Calendula - Solar Flashback, (55 Days), Organic Seed, pink, blonde, yellow, red, maroon, this calendula is easy on the eyes, appx. 15-20 seed per request

#CAL4-Calendula - Resina, (70 Days) Organic Seed, Bright yellow with an occasional smattering of orange. Known as the best calendula for medicinal use, list a sub, these won't last, appx. 15-20 seeds per request Appx. 1/2+tsp (30-50 seeds) per

#CAL5-Calendula - Kablouna Mix, (60 Days) Organic Seed, Large blossoms are mostly yellow with some orange petals & a mix of light & dark centers, which gives this calendula a great appearance. appx. 20 seeds per request

#CAL6-Calendula - Orange Flash, (55 Days) Uniform plants produce an abundance of rustic looking blossoms. Orange around a rust colored center with peachy, edible petals. A very nicely refined calendula, LIMITED! appx. 15 seeds per request

#CAL7-Calendula - Ivory Princess, (55 Days) Dark centers surrounded by gold to cream colored petals give this calendula a real brightness, like a beefed up daisy, healthy & vigorous plants produce an abundance of 2-3" blossoms. LIMITED! appx. 15 seeds per request

#CAL8-Calendula - Pacific Apricot Beauty, (55 Days) Pastel apricot blooms have a darker center, though not as pronounced as Ivory Princess, this is a gentle & bright calendula, of 2-3" double blooms, born on extremely uniform plants. LIMITED! appx. 15 seeds per request

#CHD1-Chard - Fordhook Giant Chard, White stem, the standard swiss chard, introduced by Burpee in 1934. Appx. 1/2tsp (40 seeds) per request

#CHD2-Chard - Pink Lipstick Chard, neon pink, brings a great splash of color with traditional chard taste, appx. 1 tsp or 50-100 seeds per request

#CHD3-Chard - Ruby Red or Rhubarb Chard, Candy apple red stems with dark green, red-veined leaves, appx. 1/2tsp (40 seeds) per request

#CHD4-Chard - Lucullus Chard, A vigourous white leaf chard that is sweet fresh or cooked. Appx. 1/2+tsp (30-50 seeds) per request

#CHD5-Chard - Bright Lights, (55 days) 1998 AAS winner, this rainbow chard is well adapted & has a great range of brilliant colors. Appx. 1/2tsp (30-50 seeds) per request

#CHD6-Chard - Orange Chard, Dark green leaves on a bright orange stem make a striking addition to any garden. Vigorous & sweet, great look for landscaping as well, Appx. 1/2+tsp (30-50 seeds) per request

#CHD7-Chard - Cardinal, (75 days) A very nice, full sized red chard, Appx. 1/2+tsp (30-50 seeds) per request

#CHD8-Chard - Magenta Sunset, (60 days) This pink to red veined chard is a feast for the eyes with almost neon tones, also great on the plate!! Appx. 1/2+tsp (30-50 seeds) per request

#CHD9-Chard - Perpetual Spinach Chard, (55 days) An unusual chard varriety that produces smaller leaves with thinner stems than normal chard. Exceptionally tender leaves have a distinctly "spinachy" taste, but stands summer heat much better than spinach providing delicious greens from June up through the first few frosts. Also called "leaf beet". Appx. 1/4tsp (30+ seeds) per request

#CHD10-Chard - Orange Fantasia, (40 days) Early maturing bright orange chard with nice ribs, Appx. 1/2tsp (30-40 seeds) per request

#CHD11-Chard - Bali Red Rhubarb, (55 days) A well refined chard with heavily savoyed leaves contrasted by vibrant, bright red ribs, Appx. 1/2tsp (30-40 seeds) per request

#CIL1-Cilantro - Santo, (55 days) Organic Seed, slow bolting uniform & fast growing produces consistently, Appx. 1/2tsp (50-80 seeds) per request

#CIL2-Cilantro - Slow Bolt, classic cilantro with a good harvest window. Appx. 1/2tsp (50-80 seeds) per request

#CIL3-Cilantro - Confetti (30-35 days baby leaf, 80-100 days seed) ferny leaf growth makes this an excellent choice for baby leaf production. Great cilantro flavor, Appx. 1/2tsp (50-80 seeds) per request

#CIL4-Cilantro - Leisure, (50 days baby leaf, 100 days seed) Standard cilantro variety, very similar to santo. Good bolt tolerance, uniformity & flavor. Our current stock of this variety is "split seed". The seed has been split so there will be less thinning to do. Appx. 1/2tsp (100+ seeds) per request


CORN IS LIMITED!! ONE CORN VARIETY PER HOUSEHOLD PER YEAR!, If requesting more than one variety of corn please include an additional $1 donation per pack or we will not have the resources to provide additional corn in your request. (example donate $21 requested 31 packs, 2 of which are corn) Using this system we can provide multiple packs of a single variety so you will have an ample population to save seeds from, but please do not request more than 2 packs of a single variety, so that other can get a chance to grow limited seeds.
Corn - Corn are easily cross pollinated by wind. The best way to grow & save pure corn seed is to grow a single variety & maintain an isolation distance from other corn of at least 1/2 mile. You can also isolate corn by timing

Corn - Milling This group of corn includes, dent, flint & other hard corn varieties that are suitable for milling, but not generally preferred for fresh eating

#CNM1-Corn - Northstine Dent, (100 Days) Organic, Fine yellow corn for cornmeal, this Michigan heirloom dries early in the field, making good for areas with short seasons. Appx 25 kernels per request

#CNM2-Corn - Hickory King White Dent Corn, (115 days) A drought/heat tolerant white dent corn that is well used for hominy, as the skin slips off easily - Appx. 30-40 seeds per request

#CNM3-Corn - Pencil Cob Corn (75-100 Days) Aptly named for its thin cob, this corn is famous for making grits & very sweet cornbread. A dent corn often used for roasting is flavorfiul in milk stage for creaming or frying & renouned for it's "true corn flavor", appx. 30-50 seeds per request

#CNM4-Corn - Cascade Ruby-Gold Flint, (85 Days) Organic Seed, An early & very productive flint corn, bearing single color ears in various shades of red & yellow, appx. 30 seeds per request

#CNM5-Corn - Painted Mountain Corn (85 Days) Organic, Touted as the hardiest & fastest maturing grain corn in the world. Said to grow where no other corn will grow. Colorful corn is full of vibrant reds, orange, golds & deep purples, nutritional powerhouse is great for roasting or milling, Very limited!! Appx 20 seeds per request

#CNM6-Corn - Bloody Butcher, (120 Days) Offered in the US since the mid 1800's, this crimson seeded dent corn has great flavor milled & is also a brilliant decorative corn. Grows on stalks up to 12ft tall. Appx 25 kernels per request

#CNM7-Corn - Montana Morado Maize, (90 Days) Organic Seed, dark purple flour corn produces a soft flour that is great for any purpose but makes a superior cornbread, LIMITED! appx. 24 seeds per request

#CNM8-Corn - Jerry Peterson Blue, (105 Days) Organic Seed, A great, dependable blue flour corn, also doubles as an ornamental, Appx 25 kernels per request

#CNM9-Corn - Earth Tones Dent (100 Days) Gorgeous mixed color pallet makes an outstanding decorative corn at 8-10" long, also great for milling, Appx 25 seeds per request

#CNM10-Corn - Oaxacan Green (95 Days) Great ornamental & culinary value! This southern Mexico dent corn is a necessary ingredient if you want green cornbread with your green eggs & ham! LIMITED! Appx 24 kernels per request

#CNM11-Corn - Abenaki Calais Flint (88 Days) Organic Seed, Bred & kept by the Abenaki Tribe of northern Vermont, 8 row corn is solid yellow, deep maroon & some will be orange. Each color has a slihgtly different flavor profile. Appx 1/2+tbsp or about 25 kernels per request

#CNM12-Corn - Blue Hopi Corn, (86 Days) Deep blue kernels are highly ornamental & can be eaten fresh if harvested young though it is more commonly used for milling, appx. 30 seeds per request

Corn - Ornamental This group features varietes of corn whose primary use is ornamental

#CNO3-Corn - Wampum, (95 days) An ornamental corn with a nice pallet mix of traditional fall colors - Appx. 1/2+tsp or about 30-40 seeds per request

#CNO4-Corn - Multicolor Rainbow Flint Corn, (70 Days) This classic ornamental corn produces rich Fall colors from yellow to burgundy & beyond. Also suitable for aniumal feed, appx. 30 seeds per request

#CNO7-Corn - Indian Ornamental Corn (104 Days) The classic ornamental corn produces a nice array of earth tones, both soft & deep. 8-10inch ears. Often called Indian Rainbow Corn. appx. 30-50 seeds per request

#CN08-Corn - Glass Gem (110 Days) Developed by Carl Barnes in Oklahoma as a way of reconnecting with his Cherokee heritage. These beautiful creamy rainbow colored ears of corn are highly decorative & highly sought after. List a sub if you request because they won't last long. Appx 25 kernels per request

Corn - Popcorn This group features varietes of corn whose primary use is for popcorn

#CNP1-Corn - Miniature Colored Popcorn (105 Days) Each stalk yields 2-3 multicolored ears that are 3-4" long. A cute decorative corn in yellows, brown, oranges & maroon, also can be used for popcorn, but results may be a little inconsistent. Appx 30-40 kernels per request

#CNP2-Corn - Japanese Hulless, (90 Days) This plant produces up to 6 ears that are about 4" long. This popcorn is prized because of it's very thin outer skin, that makes for some of the most enjoyable popcorn eating. Appx 1 tsp or 30-40 kernels per request

#CNP3-Corn - Dakota Black Popcorn (100 Days) Organic Seed, Compact plant that produces 1 ear, renowned for great quality popcorn, Striking dark color is very decorative, Very limited!! Appx 30 seeds per request

#CNP4-Corn - PA Dutch Butter Flavored Popcorn (102 Days) Organic Seed, Pre-1885 PA Dutch Heirloom, sets 2 stocky, 4-6" ears with up to 28 rows of fat white kernels. Said to produce popcorn so good it doesn't even need butter! Appx. 30 seeds per request

#CNP5-Corn - Calico Popcorn (105 Days) A very decorative multicolored popcorn, kernels are larger than most popcorns, but smaller than most ornamental corns Appx. 30 seeds per request

Corn - Sweet This group features varieties of corn whose primary use is fresh eating

#CNS1-Corn - Golden Bantam 8 (75-85 Days) Sweet & early, with brilliant golden kernels in commonly in 8 uniform rows. You can't ask for much more in an open pollinated sweet corn. Appx. 1 tbsp or about 45 seeds per request

#CNS2-Corn - Ashworth Yellow Sweet Corn (72 Days) Organic Seed, Bred by Fred Ashworth & originally offered by Johnny's in 1978, this is a 5' tall plant that produces a good flavored, sweet yellow corn. Appx. 25-30 seeds per request

#CNS3-Corn - Early Golden Bantam (75-80 Days) The original Golden Bantam, introduced in 1902 by W.A. Burpee, full yellow corn is one of the sweeter heirloom corns with exceptional flavor, Appx. 25 seeds per request

#CNS4-Corn - Country Gentlemen, (90 Days) This sweet white heirloom corn was introduced in the late 1800's & is a type of corn, commonly known in the past as "Shoe Peg Corn", characterized by randomly packed kernels, rather than straight rows. Appx. 40-50 seeds per request

#CNS5-Corn - Abundance, (80-100 Days) A very nice, uniform, drought tolerant, consistent yellow sweet corn, Appx. 25 seeds per request

#CNS6-Corn - Golden Bantam 12, (85 Days) 12 rows of golden sweet kernels on a drought tolerant & reliable stalk, Appx. 30 seeds per request

#CNS9-Corn - Stowells Evergreen Sweet Corn (75-100 Days) Dating back to 1848, this old time sweet white corn is well renowned as "king of all white sweet corn varieties" appx. 30-40 seeds per request

#CNS10-Corn - Luther Hill Sweet Corn (82 Days) Organic Seed, said to be one of the sweetest of all open pollinated corn. One of the parents of "silver queen", Luther Hill produces up to 4, 3-6" cobs on a short 4' stalk, appx. 30 seeds per request

#CNS11-Corn - Double Standard (95 Days) Organic Seed, Finally on our list! The first open pollinated, bicolor, sweet corn! 7" cobs that are packed with real old time corn taste. LIMITED! Appx 25 kernels per request

#ECH1-Echinacea - Echinacea Purpurea, the famous prairie flower touted the world over for boosting the immune system. Appx. 1/4tsp (50+ seeds per request)

#ECH2-Echinacea - White Swan, this white flowered echinacea purpurea is a great addition to a perennial flower garden. On the oversized list due to it's high fragility & limited availability, appx. 25 seeds per request

#ECH3-Echinacea - Pale Purple, Echinacea Pallida, this thin petaled pale purple coneflower blooms earlier than echinacea purperea. LIMITED! appx. 20 seeds per request

#GO1-Gourd - Caveman's Club Gourd, (125 days) Also known as Maranka Gourd, Vibrant green club like gourd with long stems. Trellis for a straight neck. Can actually be eaten when less than 8 inches, but more commonly dried for decorative use. LIMITED AVAILABILITY! 4 seeds per request

#GO3-Gourd - Dipper, Extra Long Handle, (120 days) This vintage gourd is green with white mottling. The handle extending from it's bulbous body is usually curled & can sometimes reach 3 ft long! - appx. 8 seeds per request

#GO4-Gourd - Pear Bi-color, (95 days) C. Pepo, unlike our other gourds, this "gourd" is actually a squash, so be aware it may cross with some of your squash if you are trying to save seeds. This is a very nice decorative gourd with some ares being green & others being bright yellow, with white striping, pear shaped gourds are 2-3", LIMITED AVAILABILITY! appx. 6 seeds per request

#GO5-Gourd - Speckled Swan Gourd, (120 days) A round base about 8" in diameter with a long, swan like, neck, in shades of green with white spots, make this a very prized decorative gourd, LIMITED! 4 seeds per request

#GOL2-Gourd, Luffa - (110 days) Traditional Luffa aegyptiaca with so many wonderful uses. Edible & very useful for sustainable sponges. Historically used for many things, such as insulation & even filters for steam engines - LIMITED! appx. 6 seeds per request

#GOL3-Gourd, Luffa - Extra Long, (80-90 days) "Extra Long" is a classic variety of Luffa that can reach up to 3 ft long. It is a prolific producer of dark green, tasty fruits that will develop into the famous luffa sponges - LIMITED! appx. 4 seeds per request

#JI1-Jicama - Unknown Jicama, Member donated seed, did not specify variety.

#JI2-Jicama - Thai Jicama, - Large rooted variety has crisp & bright flesh & can weigh up to 5 lbs. NOTE: leaves & seed pods of jicama are toxic - appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#LEN1-Lentil - Indian Black Lentil, (80-110 days) Organic, Black lentils are a nutritious staple of Indian cuisine & also are useful for sprouting. Appx. 1/2+tsp (100 seeds) per request

#LEN2-Lentil - Green Lentil, (80-110 days) Organic, Green or Brown Lentils are a classic staple food. Wonderful in a lentil vegetable soup & many traditional ethnic foods. appx. 1/2+ tsp or about 50-100 seeds per request

#LEN3-Lentil - Red Lentil, (110 days) Organic, red lentil is the dal lentil, indespensible in Indian cuisine & cherished as an easy to prepare source of whole food protein. Appx. 1/2+tsp (50+ seeds) per request

#LUP2-Lupine - Texas Bluebonnet, the classic blue wildflower of the south. Lupinus Texensis can be a bit finicky, but readily re-seeds itself once established, appx. 20 seeds per request

#MOR-Moringa A tropical tree that must be brought indoors if you are not in zone 10. Moringa is said to be a miracle tree, which is entirely edible & shown to have a myriad of health benefits. LIMITED!! appx. 4 seeds per request

Nasturtium - Nasturtium are easily cross pollinated. The best way to grow & save pure seed from Nasturtium is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing, bagging/caging or a distance of 1/4 mile or more.

#NA1-Nasturtium - Jewel Mix, (42 Days) Red, yellow & creamy orange blossoms that add a splash of color & spice to any dish. Entire plant is edible, appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#NA2-Nasturtium - Empress Of India, (60 Days) Scarlet/orange blossoms & dark foliage characterize this old time favorite. Mounding habit makes it more suitable for containers than other varieties of trailing nasturtiums, appx. 8-10 seeds per request

#NA3-Nasturtium - Alaska Mix, (60 Days) Variegated green & white edible foliage host creamy looking blossoms of pink, orange & yellow, 8-10 seeds per request

#NA4-Nasturtium - Tall Climbing Mix, (60 Days) Vibrant orange, gold, peach & bicolor blooms on 6ft vines. appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#NA5-Nasturtium - Cream Troika, (60 Days) nicely mottled, variegated foliage gives way to creamy colored blossoms, with a dab of chocolate at the base of each petal. A lovely nasturtium that will mound to about 12" before trailing up to 3ft. LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#NA6-Nasturtium - Bloody Mary, (60 Days) Striking single & bicolor blossoms are very classy & show beautiful, sophisticated patterns, in colors of cream, magenta & coral red. Sometimes trails but plant is generally compact. SUPER LIMITED! appx. 4-6 seeds per request

#NA7-Nasturtium - Double Gleam, (58 Days) Double & semidouble blossoms give this naturtium an elegance not found in other nasturtium varieties. Color range is light to bright orange/yellow, salmon to various shades of red, some quite deep. SUPER LIMITED! appx. 4-6 seeds per request

#NA8-Nasturtium - Jewel Cherry Rose, (50 Days) Fuschia-pink blossomos are a standout in the garden. Vigorous trailing nasturtium variety. SUPER LIMITED! appx. 4-6 seeds per request

#NA9-Nasturtium - Globe of Fire, (62 Days) Single blossoms are bright red to scarlet & have an alluring fragrance, SUPER LIMITED! appx. 4-6 seeds per request

#NA10-Nasturtium -Peach Melba, (55 Days) Blossoms are a gorgeous glowing pastel yellow with orange red highlights near the center. Sure to please the senses! appx. 10 seeds per request

#OAT1-Oats - Streaker Hulless Oats (100-120 Days) Organic seed, Food grain & animal feed, standard oats need industrial milling to dehull while these can be threshed the old fashioned way & eaten directly

#OAT2-Oats - Jerry Oats (100 Days) A great green manure that is vigorous & highly productive, about 1 tsp per request

#OK1-Okra - Emerald (55-70 Days) Originally developed by the Campbell's soup company in the 1950's, these okras grow tall & large. Appx. 1tsp (50 seeds) per request

#OK2-Okra - Clemson Spineless (55 Days) AAS winner is a classic known for it's smooth texture. - Appx. 1/2tsp (20-30 seeds) per request

#OK3-Okra - Hill Country Red (65-70 Days) Coming from south Texas, 6 feet tall plants bear tender red pods & loves the heat - appx. 40 seeds per request

#OK4-Okra - Perkins Long Pod (55 Days) This heirloom is a southern favorite. Vigorous 5 ft. tall plants, produce 8 inch pods that are still slender & tender. Appx. 30 seeds per request

#OK5-Okra - Red Burgundy (80 Days) This one is a stunner! Yellow flowers give way to purple/red pods, against a backdrop of green leaves, enjoyable to look at & even more enjoyable to eat! Appx. 25 seeds per request

#OK6-Okra - Jing Orange (60 Days) 6-7" red-orange pods are tender & sweet - appx. 40 seeds per request

#OK8-Okra - Jade (65 Days) U of Arkansas release from 1991, not quite an heirloom, but it will be around for a while, due to it's easrly delivery of masses of tender green okra, appx. 1/4+tsp or about 25 seeds per request

#OK9-Okra - Cow's Horn (65 Days) Civil war era heirloom can bear pods up to 14" long & still maintain eating quality, about 30 seeds per request

#OK10-Okra - Blondy (50 Days) Pale green pods have the tenderness that comes with a lot of lighter colored vegetables, dwarf plants mature early & generally stay below 4ft, about 25 seeds per request

#OK11-Okra - Star of David (60 Days) Beefy pods are heavily ribbed creating the appearance of a star when sliced, straight stalks can grow up to 10ft high, about 25 seeds per request

#OK12-Okra - Beck's Big Buck (85 Days) Organic Seed, When the Beck family bought their farm in Oklahoma in 1968 they found this okra in the abandoned garden, bearing the biggest pods they have ever seen they grew it out & kept this amazing huge & delicious okra around for us to enjoy. LIMITED! about 10 seeds per request

Snap Peas

Note:Pea seed count varies wildly by variety. from 6 to 25 on average

#PE1-Pea - Amish Snap Pea, (62 days) Early & delicious heirloom, though not as productive as some modern varieties, this pea delivers tall taste! Appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#PE2-Pea - Sugar Snap, (58 days) Still the standard of excellence in snap peas. You will need to stake these vigorous 6 ft. vines, appx. 20 seeds per request

#PE3-Pea - Cascadia Snap Pea, (65 days) Easy to grow snap pea delivers sweet taste with good disease resistance, appx. 20 seeds per request

#PE6-Pea - Super Sugarsnap Peas, (66 Days) Consistent good eating snap pea. Good & sweet, needs trellised, 10-15 seeds per request

#PE7-Pea - Royal Snap II, (58 days) Purple-podded snap pea, 2ft vines yield a rare treat. very fun to look at in the garden & on the plate, appx. 10-12 seeds per request

#PE8-Pea - Sugar Ann Snap Pea, (51 Days) The earliest snap pea, 20" vines can be grown with or without support, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PE9-Pea - Honey Snap II, (58 days) Dr. Calvin Lamborn, father of the Sugar Snap, left us with a lot of great peas & this is no exception. Honey snap has a unique yellow green color on a 30" vine. Great in contrast with the other colors of snap peas. "Variety is the spice of life" 10-15 seeds per request

#PE10-Pea/snap- Sugar Daddy (74 Days) this easy to pick, stringless snap pea, has great eating quality as well as good resistance to powdery mildew, appx. 20 seeds per request

#PE11-Pea/snap- Taiwan Sugar Pea, (63 Days) Organic Seed, the classic sugar pea for stir fries & is also great for fresh eating, best harvested before peas fully form, appx. 20 seeds per request

Snow Peas

#PE31-Pea - Oregon Giant Snow Pea, large pods with sweet berries, resistant variety bred at OSU, appx. 15-20 seeds per request

#PE32-Pea - Oregon Sugar Pod II Snow Peas, said to be the most popular edible pod pea variety in the world, 4" pods on short vines. appx. 15-20 seeds per request

#PE33-Pea - Blizzard Snow Pea, Organic, (61 days) Produces an avalanche of snow peas, delicious & easy to pick. NOTE: Unfortunately one of our packers dumped some lincoln shell peas in our giant stash of blizzard snow peas, so this seed may have some off type varieties. Our suggestion is to plant any seeds more brown in color, seperate from the green ones. Most of this year's lincolns were tan in color & most of the Blizzards were more green, not much help, lol, but we are offering them because we have a bunch. Pack will likely have the most seed of any pea we are offering currently

#PE34-Pea, snow - Mammoth Melting Sugar Snow Pea, (68 days) Giant 4-5" thick snow peas are sweet & delicious. White flowers are very showy, tall vines will need trellised, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PE35-Pea - Golden Sweet Snow Peas, (61 days) Yellow-podded snow pea, 5-6' vines, best harvested below 4", appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PE36-Pea - Royal Snow, (61 days) Purple-podded snow pea, offers a striking contrast against it's 30" bright green, pink flowered vines. A slightly bitter pea best used raw. Another very cool pea bred by Dr. Calvin Lamborn, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#PE37-Pea - Opal Creek, (70 days) A cross between a golden snow & green snap pea, produces tasty light yellow/green snow type pods, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PE38-Pea, Snow- Little Snow Purple Flower, (59 days) Green podded dwarf snow pea has brilliant purple flowers, vines stay short at about 2 feet, about 10 seeds per request

#PE39-Pea, Snow- Avalanche, (60 days) Easy to handle vines stay at about 3ft & produce an abundance of delicious snow peas, about 15 seeds per request

#PE40-Pea/snap- Sugar Sprint (58 Days) an extremely early snap pea with great eating quality. Stays compact & can be managed without staking. Mildew resistant but susceptible to pea enation mosaic virus, appx. 20 seeds per request

Shell Peas

#PE60-Pea, Shell- Lincoln, (65 days) Old timey shell pea, also known as "Homesteader", reliable producer late into the season yields 3.5 inch pods with up to 10 sweet peas per pod. A great pea for freezing. Plants are just under 3' & can stand without a stake, but wouldn't mind some extra support. Appx. 20 seeds per request

#PE61-Pea, Shell- Green Arrow, (68 days) Another classic shell pea, originatng from the UK, Green Arrow produces reliable, high yields of sweet green shell peas, about 15-20 seeds per request

#PE62-Pea, Shell- Alderman, (75 days) AKA "Tall Telephone", for more than 100 years people have been enjoying bountiful harvests from this celebrated tall vined shell pea, about 15 seeds per request

Sweet Pea Flowering Sweet Peas are a gorgeous edition to any garden. Be aware, sweet peas are toxic & no parts are edible. Sweet pea will not cross pollinate with edible peas.

#PES1-Pea Flower- Heirloom Mix, (80 Days) Mix of fragrant sweet peas in all the classic colors, white & various shades of pink, red & purple, about 15 seeds per request

#PES2-Pea Flower- Knee High, (65 Days) Classic mix of very fragrant sweet peas in all the classic colors coming from a vine that stops short of 2ft tall, making this a great choice for a fragrant container plant, about 15 seeds per request

#PES3-Pea Flower- Spencer Ripple Formula Mix, (80 Days) One of the most fragrant of the Sweet Peas, & also very beautiful. Whites, pinks, blues & purples, in pastel shades, blossoms are ruffled & showy. A true beauty for a cottage garden, widely grown in England, LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#PES4-Pea Flower- Royal Family Mix, (90 Days) Standard color mix of large sized blossoms, about 15 seeds per request

#PES5-Pea Flower- Bijou Mix, (90 Days) Very bright mix of Spring colors that will win your heart, about 15 seeds per request

#PES6-Pea Flower- Mammoth Mix, (75 Days) Grows 4-6ft tall & can survive the heat to produce July through September, a mix of classic colors on long stems make great cut flowers, about 15 seeds per request

#PES7-Pea Flower- Prince of Orange, (75 Days) Orange, pink & coral, multicolored blooms, hard to find, unique flowering sweet pea, LIMITED! about 6 seeds per request

#PES8-Pea Flower- Royal Scarlet, (85 Days) A classic pink/red bloom with outstanding fragrance, LIMITED! about 6 seeds per request

#PK1-Pumpkin - Baby Bear, C. Pepo, a small pie pumpkin with a nice handle, great for decoration or pie. Semi-hulless seeds are also great for roasting!, appx. 6 seeds per request

#PK2-Pumpkin - Rouge vif D Estampes aka "Cinderella", (95-140 days) C. Maxima, Old French heirloom is flatter & darker than regular pumpkins offering a fairy tale appearance. Great for baking & is reported to have been the variety served by the pilgrims at the second Thanksgiving, appx. 8 seeds per request

#PK3-Pumpkin - New England Pie Pumpkin, (105 days) Organic Seed, The classic little pie pumpkin also makes a nice mini Jack-o-lantern, 4-6 lbs, 8-10 seeds per request

#PK4-Pumpkin - Jarrahdale, (100 days Curcurbita Maxima) 12-18 lb, grey/blue pumpkin with an abundance of sweet orange flesh. Great for display & for eating. appx. 7 seeds per request

#PK5-Pumpkin - Howden, (115 days) Curcurbita Pepo, 20-35lb classic round Jack O Lantern pumpkin. Howden is very uniform & hard to beat for a carving pumpkin - appx. 5 seeds per request

#PK6-Pumpkin - Kentucky Field Pumpkin, (113 days) Once the industry standard for canned pumpkin. Longer than wide, with dull orange flesh & weighing in at 10-15lbs. This pumpkin is a C. Moshata, so it won't cross with a most other pumkins & Winter Squash that are C. Maxima or C. Pepo, 6 seeds per request

#PK7-Pumpkin - Jack Be Little Pumpkin, (95 days) Tiny 2x3-4" pumpkins are alway fun. This is one of the few pumpkins that you may be able to grow in a container, appx. 10 seeds per request

#PK8-Pumpkin - Long Pie Culinary Pumpkin, (102 days) Organic Seed, An elongated pumpkin whose origin was likely Native American, or selected from. Said to be one of, if not, the best pumpkin for pies. Blushes deep orange in storage when it reaches peak sweetness. 4 seeds per request

#PK9-Pumpkin - Connecticut Field, (110 days) An early America's Heirloom, attractive pumkin for classic Jack-o-lanterns, well rounded look, up to about 20" across, 6-10 seeds per request

#PK10-Pumpkin - Big Max, (120 days) Don't be suprised if you find a 100 lb pumkin in your yard, it's just Big Max.. Not only huge, but the flesh is of reasonable eating qaulity, which is rare for a pumpkin this size, appx. 8 seeds per request

#PK11-Pumpkin - Kakai, (100 days) C. Pepo, Produces large, hulless green seed, which is our favorite thing about it, wonderful to roast! That's not all though, a short vined pumpkin that won't take up too much space & has a unique appearance with mottled black/green stripes over orange. VERY LIMITED! appx. 6 seeds per request

#PK12-Pumpkin - Marina Di Chioggia, (100 days) C. Maxima, 6-12 lb totally bumpy, grey blue pumpkin of superior eating quality. Not only is it tasty but it makes for a unique ornamental. Originally from South America, this squash was brought to Spain & later became popular in Venice in the late 1600's VERY LIMITED! appx. 5 seeds per request

#PK13-Pumpkin - Musquee de Provence, (125 days) C. Moschata, AKA Fairytale, 15-40 lb, flatter deeply ribbed pumpkin, high gloss brown orange color all work together to create a fairy tale looking pumpkin. Mildy sweet flesh, great for decoration & long storage. Developed in europe in the 19th century, first offered in the US in 1899 by a seed store in Chicago. VERY LIMITED! appx. 6-8 seeds per request

#PK14-Pumpkin - Dill's Atlantic Giant, (120 days) Grow's up to 2000 lbs!!!! Need I say more?, limited availability! 4 seeds per request

#RY1-Rye - Winter Rye, Organic, food grain, & excellent cover crop, threshes easily. Appx. 1 tsp (100 seeds) per request

#SPELT-Common Spelt Organic, ancient relative of wheat does well on poor soils. Makes an excellent cover crop that competes well with Spring weeds, appx. 1/2 tbsp per request

Spinach - Our spinach selection consists of true spinach & various species of spinach like plants. True spinach is easily pollinated by wind, meaning you may need to isloate more than a mile from other spinach to save pure seed. Malabar spinach may be safe with 100 yards isolation distance.

#SPN2-Spinach - Bloomsdale, Heavily savoyed, upright spinach is an old standard, appx. 1/4 tsp or 50-100 seeds per request

#SPN3-Spinach - Giant Winter, (45 days) a great cold hardy spinach that is excellent for overwintering. Sports partially savoyed large light green leaves. Appx. 1/4tsp (50 seeds) per request

#SPN4-Spinach - Tetragonia aka New Zealand Spinach, a great warm weather alternative to spinach, branches & vines forever, providing abundant spinach like leaves fromn a small space, appx. 10 seeds per request

#SPN7-Spinach - Big Leaf Green Malabar Spinach, (50-60 days) a great warm weather alternative to spinach, this big leaf variety is lower to bolt & more compact than other malabar spinach likes to climb, produces abundant shiny spinach shaped leaves that taste a bit like chard when cooked, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#SPN8-Spinach - Green Vines Supreme Malabar Spinach, (50-60 days) A vining green malabar that is productive & vigorous, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#SPN9-Spinach - Red Malabar Spinach, (50-85 days) a great warm weather alternative to spinach, likes to climb, produces abundant shiny spinach shaped leaves that taste a bit like chard when cooked, LIMITED! about 5-10 seeds per request

Summer Squash -Summer Squash, Winter Squash, Pumpkins & some gourds, consist of 3 primary families that will not cross pollinate one another. These families are C. Maxima, C. Pepo & C. Moschata. Summer Squash are easily cross pollinated within their families. The best way to grow & save pure seed from winter squash is to grow a single variety from each of the 3 families. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of 1/4 mile or more.

#SQS1-Squash(Summer) - Benning's Green Tint Patty Pan, (55 days) C. Pepo, tasty light green flying saucer Summer squash, appx. 8-10 seeds per request

#SQS2-Squash(Summer) - Juane De Verte Patty Pan, (50 days) C. Pepo, Organic Seed, similar, though more deeply lobed then Bennings Green Tint Patty Pan, also a little more productive & earlier than Bennings, appx. 5 seeds per request

#SQS3-Squash(Summer) - Black Zucchini, (50 days) C. Pepo, not actually as dark green as you might expect with such a name, but this Zucchini is sure to please, with great flavor & reasonable yields. appx. 12 seeds per request

#SQS4-Squash(Summer) - Saffron Yellow Summer Squash, prolific, sweet & tender, almost straight neck, very popular Summer squash, 8-12 seeds per request

#SQS5-Squash(Summer) - Yellow Crookneck Summer Squash, old time favorite always delivers sweet & delicious squash. Appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#SQS6-Squash(Summer) - Tromboncino Summer/Winter Squash, (60 days Summer/90 Winter) a.k.a. as "Zucchini Rampicante", extremely vigorous vines, often used to stuff ravioli. Should be trellised. Appx. 6 seeds per request

#SQS7-Squash(Summer) - Early Prolific Straightneck Yellow Summer Squash, (55 days) 1938 AAS winner for uniform yellow squash. Classic Summer squash taste on a strong vine, appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQS8-Squash(Summer) - Costata Romanesca Zucchini, Italian heirloom, ribbed zucchini grows up to 20 lbs. & still delivers great taste. Our favorite zucchini!, appx. 6 seeds per request

#SQS9-Squash(Summer) - Trieste White Zucchini, C. Pepo (45 days) This white zucchini is best known for it's creamy terxture & sweet flavor. Flavor peaks early so keep these vines well picked for an abundant harvest. appx. 6 seeds per request

#SQS10-Squash(Summer) - Cocozelle Zucchini, C. Pepo (48 days) Italian heirloom from the 1800's is still widely grown today & for good reason. This striped zucchini is always one of our favorites. appx. 8-10 seeds per request

#SQS11-Squash(Summer) - Black Beauty Zucchini, (65 days) C. Pepo, Organic Seed, AKA: Courgette, vigourous producer of deep green zucchini, perfect at 6-8" but don't turn your back or they may grow to a couple feet in no time, appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#SQS12-Squash(Summer) - Lebanese White Bush, C. Pepo (45 days) Slender white squash are very sweet & tender harvested early or fill out to make a great zucchini type stuffing squash, bush habit is not as high yielding as some vines, but fits in smaller spaces, appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#SQS13-Squash(Summer) - Scallop Yellow Bush Summer Squash, (49 days) Classic yellow patty pan squash are easy & fun to grow, one of the tastes of Summer we look forward to. appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQS14-Squash(Summer) - Vegetable Marrow Green Bush, (80 days) C. Pepo, somewhat similar to coczelle zuchinni but fruits light/dark striped green fruits grow wider towards the blossom end making them a bit more oblong in shape. This sweet tender heirloom summer squash made it's way to the states from England in the 1800's. Compact bush habit makes this a great choice for those limited on space. A nice squash for stuffing, getting hungry just thinking about it;)) Appx. 8-12 seeds per request

#SQS15-Squash(Summer) - Round Zucchini, C. Pepo (52 days) Abundant producer of 3-4" Zucchini globes, that are deep to light green with cream colored spots or mottling. appx. 8-10 seeds per request

Winter Squash -Winter Squash, Summer Squash & Pumpkins, consist of 3 primary families that will not cross pollinate one another. These families are C. Maxima, C. Pepo & C. Moschata. Winter Squash are easily cross pollinated within their families. The best way to grow & save pure seed from winter squash is to grow a single variety from each of the 3 families. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of 5 football fields (1500 yards) or more.

#SQW1-Squash(Winter) - Baby Blue Hubbard, (95 Days) A cross between Blue Hubbard & Buttercup, for the Blue Hubbard lover that is short on space, 5 seeds per request

#SQW2-Squash(Winter) - Burgess Buttercup, (95 Days) Said to be New England's favorite squash. Deep-orange flesh with very nice texture. appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQW3-Squash(Winter) - Hubbard Golden Delicious, (110 Days) C. Maxima, Also called Red Hubbard, this squash is similar to in size & color to Red Kuri. Vigorous, long vines need lots of space to grow. First offered by M. D. Ferry in 1898, this squash is very fine grained with excelletn eating quality. Appx. 7 seeds per request

#SQW4-Squash(Winter) - Spaghetti, (88 Days) Another classic heirloom squash, spaghetti squash was first commercialized in Japan in 1934 & brought to the states by Burpee 2 years later, appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQW5-Squash(Winter) - Black Futsu, (105 Days) C. Moschata, specialty squash, originally from Japan, is classified as a butternut but resembles a pumkin in shape with very bumpy skin. Despite it's look the thin skin is very easy to eat. Orange flesh has a bright & sweet flavor, VERY LIMITED! appx. 4 seeds per request

#SQW6-Squash(Winter) - Table Queen Acorn Squash, (90 Days) A classic heirloom acorn squash introduced by the Iowa Seed Co. in 1913, appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQW7-Squash(Winter) - Waltham Butternut, (105 days) C. Moschata, still the standard bearer for Butternut Squash, appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQW8-Squash(Winter) - Green Hubbard, (105 Days) C. Maxima, A good sized squash coming in at 10-15 lbs each. Orange flesh is a striking contrast to it's dark green, thick skin. Classic Hubbard shape & flavor with great storage potential. Appx. 7 seeds per request

#SQW9-Squash(Winter) - Blue Hubbard, (110 days) 15-40lb, blue/grey fruits of stature are sweet as can be on the inside & great for long term storage. One of our favorites! 8-12 seeds per request

#SQW10-Squash(Winter) - Red Kuri, (92 days) Deep orange small Hubbard type squash, excellent eating, favored in pies & soups, aka "Orange Hokkaido". appx. 5 seeds per request

#SQW11-Squash(Winter) - Cushaw Green Striped, (100 days) C. Argyrosperma, green with yellow/white stripes, with a curved neck, similar in shape to a bottle gourd. Cushaws average 8-12lbs each but at times can be nursed up to 25lbs.! This Heirloom dates back to the 1800's but is possible this was aland race variety from the West Indies. Mildly sweet, light orange flesh makes great pies & even has it's own traditional use as Cushaw butter or Cushaw pudding. Appx. 7 or 8 seeds per request

#SQW12-Squash(Winter) - Queensland Blue, (100 days) C. Maxima, "The Australian Blue Hubbard" Shape is a bit more round to pumpkin shaped, but the color is very similar & gets up to 20lbs. Shape & color makes this a popular squash for decorating, but when you are done enjoying it's good looks you will be trerated to a very sweet orange flesh that hits the spot anywhere a sweet winter squash is needed. Appx. 5 seeds per request

#SQW13-Squash(Winter) - Delicata, (100 days) Organic, This well selected strain of the classic Delicata has cream colored skin with dark green stripes. Tender skin can be eaten, which adds to the usefulness & enjoyability of this old favorite. Appx. 6-7 seeds per request

#SQW14-Squash(Winter) - Pink Banana Jumbo Squash, (95-115 Days) C. Maxima, Grows up to 1x4 feet & a weight of up to 70 lbs!! Pink-orange skin with fine grained orange flesh, 7 seeds per request

#SQW15-Squash(Winter) - Sweet Meat, (95 Days) A 12-15 lb grey heirloom that was maintained by an Oregon family for 100 years. Dry, sweet flesh improves in flavor with storage, 5 seeds per request

#SQW16-Squash(Winter) - Long Island Cheese, (100 Days) Another classy C. Moshata, this pretty pumpkin like squash could be a pin up model & tastes as good as it looks, appx. 5 seeds per request

#SQW17-Squash(Winter) - Table King Bush Acorn Squash, (75 Days) Vigorous compact bush produces 5-8 squash per bush. Flavor improves with storage. appx 10 seeds per request

#SQW18-Squash(Winter) - Turk's Turban, (110 Days) C. Maxima, Brought to the US from France in the early 1800's, Turk's Turban is best described as a sweet dumpling wearing a pumpkin hat. A unique, old timey ornamental that does still hold some good eating qualities. VERY LIMITED! appx 6 seeds per request

#SQW19-Squash(Winter) - Hubbard Chicago Warted Winter Squash, (110 Days) Coming out of Chi-town in 1894, this dark green almost black heavily warted Hubbard is a great keeper, appx 5 seeds per request

#SQW20-Squash(Winter) - Golden Hubbard, (105 Days) An absolute gem, reminiscent of red kuri, but with the hubbard girth & thick skin, a great keep that is fine grained & sweet, appx. 10 seeds per request

#SQW21-Squash(Winter) - Sweet Dumpling, (100 days) Delicata type squash with a shape more similar to acorn, sweet & tender orange flesh, 6-8 seeds per request

Sunflower - Sunflower are easily cross pollinated. The best way to grow & save pure seed from sunflowers is to grow a single variety. You can also isolate them by timing or a distance of 5 football fields (1500 yards) or more.

#SUN1-Sunflower - Hopi Black Dye Sunflower, (100 days) Organic, a rare indigenous heirloom, makes a purplish, charcoal dye, seeds are also edible & easy to hull. 8' stalks with a massive 12-18" center head & smaller blossoms branching from the stem, make this sunflower a great all purpose choice. Pollinator favorite. VERY LIMITED QUANTITY!! appx. 10 seeds per request. Save this seed!!!

#SUN2-Sunflower - Mammoth Grey Stripe Sunflower, (120 days) The classic sunflower seed producer! 6-12' tall, a favorite of pollinators, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#SUN3-Sunflower - Lemon Queen Sunflower, (100 days) Beautiful bright yellow flowers characterize this characterize this poly-headed variety of sunflower, bees love it & so will you! 10-20 seeds per request

#SUN4-Sunflower - Chocolate Cherry Sunflower, (80-90 days) The name about covers it, deep cherry burgundy flowers with a hint of orange on a 6-7 ft plant. 10-20 seeds per request

#SUN5-Sunflower - Earthwalker, (80 days) Gorgeous, Fall colors of antique bronze, copper & chocolate, with hints of yellow & burnt orange. Majestic sunflower has a central head & smaller branching flowers below - appx. 10-20 seeds per request

#SUN6-Sunflower - Teddy Bear Sunflower, (65-75 days) plant this in a 4" pot for dwarf plants around 12" tall, or let it reach heights up to 3.5 ft tall in the garden. Teddy bear is all yellow with thousands of skinny petals giving it a shaggy appearance, appx. 10-15 seeds per request

#SUN7-Sunflower - Autumn Beauty Sunflower, (90-100 days) This sunflower showcases many of the fall colors on 10" heads growing on a 5 ft stem - appx. 20 seeds per request

#SUN8-Sunflower - Indian Blanket Sunflower, (75-90 days) Multi headed sunflower offer a nice range of size & color. Blossoms range 4-8 inches & display colors from bright yellow singles, to multi color orange/yellow & amber. A very nice decorative sunflower. appx. 20 seeds per request

#SUN9-Sunflower - Velvet Queen Sunflower, (90-110 days) 8" mutliple heads are filled with black seed that birds adore, deep burgundy flowers are very rich looking - appx. 15-20 seeds per request

#SUN10-Sunflower - Italian White, (90-110 days) loads of 4" heads on this 4-8ft tall sunflower. Elegant white sunflower is vigorous & easily adaptable to many climates, LIMITED!! - appx. 10 seeds per request

#VET-Vetch - Common Vetch, purple flowered vetch can be great to loosen the soil, add nitrogen & smother weeds, appx. 20 seeds per request

#WH4-Wheat - Glenn Hard Red Spring Wheat, Organic, a high protein wheat that has excellent disease resistance, appx. 1tsp or 100+ seeds per request

#WH5-Wheat - Black Eagle Spring Wheat, Organic, Gorgeous black & white glumes & 3"+ black awns, make this a great ornamental when harvested early or allow to mature fully for a good soft wheat flour & hardy wheat straw. Limited availability, appx. 20 seeds per request

#WH6-Wheat - Sirvinta Winter Wheat, Organic, an awnless hard red winter wheat, that was originally collected in Estonia & is adapted to northern climates. Said to make great bread. Limited availability, appx. 20-30 seeds per request

Seed request guidelines (1-11) followed by request instructions -

You may not get seeds if you do not follow our seed request guidelines -

1. You must read & follow all of the rules, & place your request properly.

2. By requesting seeds from this site you agree that the seeds are for your own personal use
& you will do everything in your power to plant & care for them in the next possible planting season.

3. In order to keep this program sustainable, please,
only one request without donation, or that does not meet our suggested minimum donation,
Failure to comply may result in your request being delayed, deleted or blocked.
We have resources to fill & will happily accept unlimited parcel requests,
when accompanied with our suggested minimum donation of $10 per every 15 packs of seed, shipped in the US.
We may not have the resources to fill parcel requests that do not meet our suggested minimum donation.

4. We will not give you multiple packs of any one variety of seed.
This gives a chance for as many people as possible to grow & save rare seeds.

5. You MUST include your address & seed selections when you request seeds.

6. Your address must be complete, including zip code. Please write it exactly as you would on an envelope.

7. You must select the seeds you want to grow from our list & provide us with the item code only,
NEVER copy & paste the entire seed description!!!

8. You must list substitutes, our list changes often & we will not email to ask for subs.
We are happy to sub with the next closest vegetable if you instruct us to do so,
but this may not be possible for more rare items so please list subs to ensure you get all the seeds you are expecting

9. Your request must be properly formatted.
We provide an image example of how your request should look in the instructions, just below these rules.

10. If you need to update or correct your request, do so by replying to the original request in your "sent" folder, otherwise the first request will not be updated.

11. Do not email about requests unless you paid for postage & have not received seeds within 3 weeks.
We have limited volunteer resources to answer emails & fill seed requests.
Help keep this program alive by following our instructions & being patient.

12. Seed requests are for seed requests only.
If you have additional questions or would like to get involved, please send a separate email & we will respond when we can.

13. If you donated & made a request the same time as you made a request without a donation we will delete your request without a donation.
Requests without donations are prioritzed to those that cannot afford our suggested donation. If we had the resources to provide an additional 4 packs of seed with our suggested donation then we would set it at $10 for 19 packs. Unfortunately costs for us are rising, but, thankfully, we have been able to keep our suggested donation the same for the last few years.

14. If you donated & did not follow our request instructions please expect at least one less pack, mispicks or other inconsistencies. Our request instructions exist for a reason & not following them will reduce or even eliminate our ability to fill your request.

Your support keeps this program alive!
Please keep in mind, we may not be able to fill all requests if we do not have sufficient resources.
This is a completely voluntary program & we reserve the right to refuse any request for any reason.

3 Ways to get free seeds - ~1. Request Online ~2. Request By Mail ~3. Pick up in person

Item code only!!! please!!! BR1, BR2, etc.. no plant names, it confuses our packers,(alphabetical), Subs at the end, please & thank you!

First - Donate online for postage & packaging
Our suggested minimum donation for requests in the US is $10 for every 15 packs of seed you select.
$20/30 packs, 30/45 packs, etc.. You can get as many as you like but please no multiples of any one item
THEN - Send us an email formatted like our example below to FreeHeirloomSeeds@gmail.com

#1-Subject line of email is "Seed Request"
#2-First line of email is the email & name you used to make your donation (this is not part of the mailing address, write it seperately)
#3-Next 3 lines is your recipient name & address, typed exactly how you write it on an envelope
#4-Next line(s), seed selection codes, all in one alphabetical list.
    10 item codes per row, with no additional text & a single space between each code
type just the code letter/number, 1 space between each code
press enter after every 10 codes to make a paragraph of lines with 10 codes in each line, no text or punctuation(# or,)

#5-After your primary list, start a new list for substitutes in case an item you requested is out of stock.
    You may also say "anything similar is fine" & if there is a variety available from the same family, we will choose a sub for you
#6-We do not send email confirmation, average shipping time is 2-5 days
    if you donated & haven't received seeds within 3 weeks you need to email us

Your request should be formatted exactly like the request in the image below

Without Donation - Simply email us your shipping address & the item codes of the seeds you would like to FreeHeirloomSeeds@gmail.com
We absolutely will not send seeds without a donation unless the email subject line says "no donation"
Be sure to put "no donation" in the email subject line or you won't get seeds & list your item codes alphabetically.
List 4 primary choices followed by up to 8 or more substitutes.
Your request will be more likely to get filled if you choose seeds that are not on our oversized list
There is no timeline for requests without postage, we fill them in bulk when we have the resources

REQUEST METHOD #2 - Request Seeds by mail
Just send us your seed selections, your shipping address & donation, if you are making one. (WE PROVIDE THE ENVELOPE) to:
Free Seeds c/o Stone Spirits, 865B - 8th St., Arcata CA 95521
If you are sending a donation, please make checks payable to - Free Heirloom Seeds
* Don't forget to include your shipping address!
* Check our seed list & let us know the item code of the seeds you want to grow! (remember, we may not send you oversized seeds if we do not have funds to pay the shipping)
* Please list several extra items you are interested in case we are out what you are looking for.

REQUEST METHOD #3 - Pick up your Free Heirloom Seeds in person
we are currently distributing them at -
Stone Spirits
865#B - 8th Street
Arcata, CA 95521
The hours there are 12-5, Monday thru Saturday

More distribution locations coming very soon!

!!Pro Tips!!


You must email us after you donate!!
Be sure to include your shipping address in your email!!
Even if you donated, paypal does not furnish us with your address.
We cannot send seeds if we do not have an address
If your address is not correct & complete USPS will return your seeds to us.

Incomplete orders may be delayed or unshippable,


If you request online or by mail, include some backup varieties in case we are out of something.
We want to send you seeds you will use, so please choose from the list.
At times, we have hundreds of different vairieties of seed available & they are not all for everyone.
You must choose seeds from our list!! Orders without seeds selected tell us these seeds & this service is being taken for granted.


Please just give us the item code, in alphabetical order when making requests.
Please don't copy & paste the whole description,
we have to read through the list & sometimes we have to read it 3 or 4 times to see if we missed something in the paragraphs of descriptions, which wastes our time & threatens the sustainability of this program.
Requests that are not in alphabetical order are very dificult to fill & should expect some mispicks.
Please help us get these seeds out faster by following our request template.
Putting seed codes in rows of 10 really matters to us!! We expand the screen & walk across the room to select seeds for you
If seeds are not in rows of 10 we have to walk back to the screen & scroll, sometimes multiple times to fill a request.
Please show some kindness for our seed packers & list your codes in rows of 10
Please send us a complete address, including zip code

Email should include the name you used in your paypal account if you made a donation to avoid confusion & help us prioritize your request.

Copyright 2018-2024, Free Heirloom Seed Foundation, all rights reserved, no part of this site may be duplicated without written permission from the owner.
Free seeds are subject to availability. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.
Free Heirloom Seeds & our affiliates offer no guarantee of any kind regarding our services & products.
We do not sell seeds, this system is completely voluntary & based on resource availability.